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Zombies Not Dropping Any Loot , Looking For Guidance/Help

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I seem to have run into a problem with my zombies in my server , the zombies no longer have loot on them after killing them , I have checked the my cfg spawnables file and my randompresets file , everything seems to be in good state and the xml files are valid after validating them online , I have added the dark horde mod but that has not seem to affect the zombies except give them a bigger slot for their "cargo" , I'm sure someone more advanced in dayz servers could probably find the mistake instantly , unlike me as this is my first server  , unless I am missing a step , I'm not sure where to go from here , could someone please point me in the right direction and what to do next , you can reach me through my discord at G01DSniiPeZz#2832  , I would absolutely appreciate anyone's help with this issue , Thanks :)

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