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Hi, I'm sillysquash, aka Gordon. I've been playing this game for about a couple of weeks now. I've learned alot about the game, and im sure I can learn more. :P I've recently become to realize that once I have everything I need to begin doing some serious looting, I get killed. :/ So! I want a partner to play with, I believe this will make the game more enjoyable and increase the longevity of my character. :D

I have a mic, and have Skype, Vent, or willing to use in game chat.

Steam: sillysquash

Skype: collin.gordon5

Oh, and also I'm 16 and live in the US.

Edited by Sillysquash

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Hey, im currently at the NW Airfield, I have enough guns and stock to run a small army, pretty bored trecked half of the way on my own. I have PM'ed you my skype, add me and lets do this!

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