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How to contact server admin


[Sorry - an new to this forum and posted this query elsewhere, but then found this thread specific to Xbox so am reposting]

Just started DayZ, having less than 50 hours playing time.  have rage quit numerous times - but love the game.

I am playing on Xbox.  

I finally managed to accumulate a decent amount of loot/supplies to begin the process of building a secure location (except i cannot find a damn shovel to save my life).  

anyhow, I was very high up a ladder when the server crashed - which isn't usually an issue as I have had the server go down temporarily a couple times now - I just grab a fresh cup of coffee and log back in.

HOWEVER this last time when I logged back in, I was in freefall off the ladder and instantly died - loosing everything.

so my question is 1) how does one contact the admin, and 2) do they/can they return the lost loot/supplies?

Hoping a kind soul may be able to assist


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1 answer to this question

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If it's a community server, there may be a Discord for the server, in which case you can find the admin there.  Otherwise you can message other players who may be online and ask around.  As to your basic question, the admin does not have the tools to directly return your items on console (Xbox).  They may be able to help you gear back up though.

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