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US East - Army Vet LFG

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Hey everyone! I've been playing for quite a few days. I've lost some lives, taken some lives of un-friendly bandits and surviving wannabe-bandits alike. I'm just looking for some people around my area that I can team up with and play over Ventrilo or Teamspeak. I pretty much know the game but I have not mastered the mental map yet.

My Steam name is novakj.

Either hit me up here or via Steam ASAP.

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Hey, im a current serving AF guy also on the east coast. im all for grouping up everynow and then, but dont have a ventrillo or teamspeak server. though we can still group up and use the ingame direct chat if we can find eachother. oh, and my Steam account is Dregdor also.

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Awesome. Steam invite sent.

Also, I have a couple Teamspeak servers bookmarked that are perfectly fine for us to voice chat on

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9 years USMC here,

I have a Vent server you are welcome to jump on. PM me if you want the info.

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