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Rework the tie-up mechanic

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As it is currently, nobody uses the tie-up mechanic in normal servers. There's no point when anyone can wiggle out in seconds and when people can just respawn while tied up. I suggest increasing the time it takes to tie someone up to around 90% of time it takes to regain consciousness and massively increase the time it takes to wiggle out, like 10-15 minutes of IRL time. And with handcuffs the wiggling out should be a chance roll, like when you're fishing. An attempt should take like 60-90 seconds of IRL time and have like a 5% chance of success. Also there should be a way to tie up person's legs too, if the person is in a prone position (either due to being knocked out or voluntarily). And ofcourse the ability to just die and respawn should be disabled so that you can only disconnect with the normal server timeout and when you reconnect you are still tied up.

This way people can actually make use of the new combat modification where people get knocked out more often, you could tie someone up (including legs) and be sure that you have at least 10 minutes of time for you to loot him and safely retreat without having to kill the person to make sure he doesnt retaliate immediately.

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the tie-up mechanic should make the tied player body remain persistent on the map, as if it were logged in, even if it has logged out. As with other games like Conan Exiles or Rust when you log out.
So it would make some sense to handcuff a player. And with reasonable difficulty getting loose, depending on the item used to restrain him

Unlike what happens today, if a player is tied down and disconnects from the server, their character just dies. Which usually makes handcuffed players log off to spawn faster and return to pvp.

If the character's body remained persistent on the map, there could be a way to carry the body to other places, such as a vehicle or cell. Take prisoners and decrease enemy strength in clan wars. It would be a very interesting dynamic

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