Maiar 1 Posted May 21, 2021 is there anyway we can get more information about this file and what the parameter's do. I have looked everywhere for information on this and it practically does not exist hope this was the right place to post this to get information. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwissArmy1984 6 Posted June 2, 2021 Here is a copy of my cfgeconomycore.xml for my Namalsk server. It has explanations for the different items. <economycore> <classes> <!-- These are rootclasses to be used by economy. Do not forget to add attribute act="character", if root class represents character (player, infected, animal) Do not forget to add attribute act="car", if root class represents moveable vehicles --> <rootclass name="DefaultWeapon" /> <!-- weapons --> <rootclass name="DefaultMagazine" /> <!-- magazines --> <rootclass name="Inventory_Base" /> <!-- inventory items --> <rootclass name="HouseNoDestruct" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- houses, wrecks --> <rootclass name="SurvivorBase" act="character" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- player characters --> <rootclass name="DZ_LightAI" act="character" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- infected, animals --> <rootclass name="CarScript" act="car" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- cars (sedan, hatchback, transitBus, V3S, ...) --> </classes> <ce folder="db"> <file name="types_dzn.xml" type="types" /> </ce> <!-- Morty Weapons --> <ce folder="Morty_ce"> <file name="Morty_types.xml" type="types" /> <file name="Morty_cfgspawnabletypes.xml" type="spawnabletypes" /> </ce> </economycore> I recommend copy-pasting it to Notepad++ for the coloring scheme. The only items for which there are no explanations are the <ce> ...... </ce> sections. These define folders in which you can place additional 'types' and 'spawnabletypes' files. They make it easier to manage multiple mods that add items to the game. I'm going to change my handling of the mod FOX WEAPONS, for example, to include the 'types' and 'spawnabletypes' files either in the 'Morty_ce' folder or its own folder. The 'types_dzn.xml' file, for example, was an addition by the Namalsk Island or Namalsk Survival mod (not sure which one) to add frozen items to the map. The file actually sits in the 'db' folder with the standard 'types.xml' file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dian chen 0 Posted January 19, 2022 On 2021/6/2 at AM10点31分, SwissArmy1984 said: 这是我的 Namalsk 服务器的 cfgeconomycore.xml 的副本。它对不同的项目进行了解释。 <economycore> <classes> <!--这些是经济使用的根类。不要忘记添加属性 act="character",如果根类代表角色(玩家、感染者、动物)不要忘记添加属性 act="car",如果根类代表可移动车辆--> <rootclass name=" DefaultWeapon" /> <!-- 武器 --> <rootclass name="DefaultMagazine" /> <!-- 杂志 --> <rootclass name="Inventory_Base" /> <!-- 库存物品 --> <rootclass name ="HouseNoDestruct" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- 房屋、残骸 --> < <rootclass name="DZ_LightAI" act="character" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <!-- 感染,动物 --> <rootclass name="CarScript" act="car" reportMemoryLOD="no" /> <! -- 汽车(轿车、掀背车、transitBus、V3S、...) --> </classes> <ce folder="db"> <file name="types_dzn.xml" type="types" /> </ce > <!-- 莫蒂武器 --> <ce folder="Morty_ce"> <file name="Morty_types.xml" type="types" /> <file name="Morty_cfgspawnabletypes.xml" type="spawnabletypes" /> </ce> </economycore> 我建议将其复制粘贴到 Notepad++ 以获取配色方案。 唯一没有解释的项目是 <ce> ...... </ce> 部分。这些定义文件夹,您可以在其中放置其他“类型”和“可生成类型”文件。它们使管理多个向游戏添加项目的模块变得更加容易。我将改变我对 mod FOX WEAPONS 的处理方式,例如,将 'types' 和 'spawnabletypes' 文件包含在 'Morty_ce' 文件夹或其自己的文件夹中。例如,“types_dzn.xml”文件是 Namalsk Island 或 Namalsk Survival mod(不确定是哪一个)添加的,用于将冷冻物品添加到地图中。该文件实际上位于带有标准“types.xml”文件的“db”文件夹中。 Hi, can I create a new folder to put my Types file and specify it like this in cfgeconomycore.xml?Thanks for you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites