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State of Death RP [Modded] [DZSA Launcher]

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State of Death Roleplay, or "State of Death RP", is a server dedicated to Community Building, Hardcore Realism, and Impactful Decision-Making, where it pits you not into the role of "Just Another Survivor", but rather, "A Survivor with a Story".  Your choices will make a difference, some for good, and others not so much.

Every life you live is a new experience.  Every choice you make, impacts others in more ways than one.  You can find a can of food to stockpile, only to find someone dying of starvation later.  You're getting hungry, yourself.  Would you give THEM the food, or keep it for yourself?  You can't just "Respawn and Return" to them later as the same person if you die.

In this server, if your character dies, they stay dead.  No revival, no knowledge of the previous character, nothing.  Treat every action as if your life depended on it.

And in most cases... it won't just be your character's life on the line.


One of the leading concerns of most RP Servers is, "Is it PvP or PvE?"  In this server, we are a mixture of both.

In order to instigate PvP, you must either be in Warring Communities, or be a Bandit who's defending themself from a hostile robbery attempt.  For Bandits, you can not just shoot anything that moves, however!  We operate off of what we call the "Honorable Robbery System" where, if your victim complies, you are forbidden from killing them off, and you must always ensure that they have something to eat, drink, and a melee weapon to defend themselves with, should they have some prior.

You are free to attack them if they refuse to comply aggressively (As in, they understand you clearly, and are deliberately telling you off), if they attempt to run away, or if they raise their weapons or fists at you with the clear intent to attack.  (A brief lift of the fists is NOT a sign of aggression, but possibly a misclick.  Be sure to give them a second or two to lower their fists before you are free to engage.  If they have a weapon, however, this can be glossed over, as you still have the right to defend yourself from a potential threat.  So in summary: Raised Fists = No Threat.  Raised Weapon = High Threat = Clear to Engage.)

While robbing someone, you must be extra sure that BOTH parties are in clear understanding before any hostilities are issued!  If you try threatening someone and start butchering the English Language, you can NOT attack them due to a misunderstanding.  In most cases, if you're trying to rob someone, just raise a gun up to them, and tell them "FREEZE!", "DON'T MOVE!", or "ON THE GROUND!".  That is about as clear as one can get.  (If they don't know how to raise their hands, just tell them to get on the ground as an alternative, or explain it to them.  You're free to break character in order to help newcomers understand the game better, but don't make it last for too long, as the server's still technically an RP Server.)


So one of the BIGGEST questions you might be asking is, why would you want to join us?  What can we do that makes the server stand out from the others?

One of our biggest selling points is its value of RP Quality over Random Chaos.  The kind of experience that encourages building up Communities, and promoting a player-driven world, without the risk of getting shot at immediately after you spawn in.  If you're done being shot at while doing mundane things like woodwork, fishing, and simply relaxing by a warm fire... if you're looking for a chance to do something in a server that actually leaves an impact for others to whisper over their campfire stories... if you're wanting to take part in more than just a lone wolf playstyle... if you're just wanting to relax in a peaceful environment... then we encourage you to give us a chance.

If that's not enough to convince you, then please remember what you're passing up, at the very least:




We do not have, nor shall we EVER have, the "Trader Mod".  Instead, the Supply and Demand of goods are based on the players' needs, themselves!  Have something you don't need?  Perhaps someone out there can find a use for it!  Start a trading agreement, and see what they have to trade it for!  In this new world we live in, the PLAYERS run the Economy!



A Chance to Relax

The Campfire is a place to relax and keep warm... not a risk to have a target painted on your back!  We forbid Killing-On-Sight, or KOS, even after dark.  The biggest threat are the zombies, and any Communities that are at war with your own.  So when you see an open fire in the wilderness, and someone approaches, you may actually find, instead of a bullet to the head, a friendly conversation to strike up!  Besides, every character might have a story to tell, about their lives before the Apocalypse hit a little over two months ago...



A Chance to Mean Something

Dying in this world is easy.  If you're bitten by a zombie, it's only a matter of time before you succumb to the Rage Virus... and when that clock is done ticking, and your Community finds out, you're likely to be held a memorial based on how much you meant to them.  Who knows?  Maybe you'll even be able to attend your own funeral, in a new life...




If you expect to loot a big city, don't expect it to be a simple Cake Walk!  The Infected might not run very fast, but they still hold a dangerous Virus in them!  That, and their numbers are more than enough to make them a huge threat!  In cases like these, it's best to utilize Stealth, Teamwork, Coordination, and even the Environment!  Find something you don't want?  Toss it away from your location, and draw their attention away while you sneak away!  Find a working radio and a cassette tape to put in it?  Crank it up to max volume, flip the switch, leave it where you don't want to be, then bail out while they're distracted!  Or for the more Vigilant, slip the radio in the trunk of your car and drive right through 'em!



The Kingdoms Law!

By the end of the day, we're all Survivors.  As such, it is YOUR God-Given Right to bear arms against potential threats if only to defend yourself and/or your property!  Thus, comes this unique rule: "The Kingdoms Law"!

If you have a walled base, be sure to leave a note or sign that warns others not to trespass near the entrance, or in a clear to see area.  If you find someone enter your base, and they aren't part of your Community, there are a few steps you can take to ensure this Law, AND the Rules, are met properly!  They are as follows:

1. If they are unarmed and mean you no harm, let them know that they are trespassing into YOUR territory, and either see them off, or hear what they have to say and peacefully decide from there.  Who knows?  Maybe they could be a potential Trader or even your next Community Member!

2. If they are armed, but holstered, they are to be treated as if they are unarmed.  It IS the Zombie Apocalypse, after all!  This rules out if they draw their weapons, and Step 3 is to be issued immediately.

3. If they are armed AND drawn, you are free to provide a Warning Shot in the air or the ground WITHOUT hitting them.  It should then be followed by a shoutout to either holster their weapons or surrender.  If they comply and either holster their weapons or raise their hands, they are open to an interrogation, and you can not shoot at them in this state.  If they do not comply after a third warning, raise their weapons, or even turn around with their weapon still drawn, then ALL warnings are off, and they are clear to be engaged.  (Three Warnings is important, as sometimes the game may lag for them, and Voice Chat could be bugged as a result.  And if they just glance around aimlessly with their heads, this doesn't count as "Turning Around", as their torso is still facing forward.  In this case, they are more than likely just nervous at this point, and trying to figure out what's going on.)  The time between warnings must be at least five seconds, and no less!  If you give three warnings within one second, it is unfair for them, as not everyone can process information as quickly as others!

4. If they are armed and drawn, but either have one or BOTH of their hands up while entering, they are to be approached carefully, and questioned.  They must keep their arms up at all times, unless permitted by a Leading Member of your Community that they may lower their hands.  If they lower their hands prematurely, and either keep it lowered, refuse to holster, or raise their weapon shortly after, then Step 3 is to be engaged, with the last one even skipping ahead to Rules of Engagement.

5. If they are Bodyguards protecting a Merchant, they must have their hands up or weapons holstered upon entering the gates.  Should one of them show signs of hostility, the others are not to be accounted for by them, as they are simply "Hired Guns".  As with life, sometimes a gun might jam, or fire prematurely.  As such, they must be dealt with, but you can't always blame the entire company, or the owner of the gun, if either or don't know the gun personally.



If you are interested in joining us, or if you have questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to join our Discord Server!  As a forewarning, though, you WILL need to install the DZSA Launcher in order to join us proper!

Don't worry, it's free and easy to use!  It even automatically installs the mods you need to join us, so that you don't have to subscribe to hundreds of different Workshop Pages yourself!  And the best part is that most servers out there rely on it, meaning it'll be a breeze to switch between here and other servers!

We will not even hold you on a leash.  Real Life is more important than Virtual Life, after all.

And we get it!  Sometimes, you're going to be in the mood to just put a bullet in someone's head without consequence!  Just for the Hell of it!  And you know you can't do so here, so you'll want to hop into another server!  My friend, we aren't going to stop you from going to see other, Open-World KOS Servers just to do that!  Ask some of our members, and THEY might even help you out over there!

When the time comes, however, that you've had your fill... we'll have the doors wide open for your safe return, whenever you've had your fill of Chaos, and want another break from it!  As long as you keep the Random Chaos out there, and the Peace up here, then you're always welcome any time!



All mods are subject to change!  The list and information can be found here:


The rest of this post is less of a set of Rules, and more of a set of Guidelines to help improve the experience, not just of yourself, but your fellow Survivors, as well!  They are highly encouraged to consider while playing!

Dress the Part!

As there are little to no chances of you getting shot at everywhere you go, Ghillies and fully fleshed-out Military Gear, while highly sought after in NORMAL Servers, are not quite as important to find here!  What's more, not ALL characters were seasoned War Veterans, but ordinary Citizens who likely can't handle running miles on end while armed to the teeth.  Would you expect to find a friendly Restaurant Owner or a fellow that was a tad bit Computer-Savvy, all decked out in Heavy Armor, Camouflage, and a Ghillie Suit?  Most likely not, as it would likely weigh them down more that a Seasoned Soldier.  Would you wear the same old ragged outfit 24/7, knowing that the Infected can smell the sweat and grime all over your body?  Either a fresh change of clothes can have a lot of personal value, or the idea to wash your clothes near a lake or body of water can help immerse yourself, and others, around you!


It's HARD to do the Right Thing!

It's true that the Virus has a cure.  However, its whereabouts are unknown, and its knowledge is very subtle, almost to a whisper-level, with the rumors originating from Traders that have access to Overseas Communications.  Most people don't even know, or would deny, that there even IS a cure.  And for those who do... to GET the cure is beyond difficult, and there can only be so many to save at one time!

As such, if a character is infected with the Rage Virus, and can feel the Mortality of the effects draining them beyond saving... a bullet to the head may actually be the best thing for them.  Whether Self-Inflicted or by request from a Third Party, it will most definitely stir up some drama that can keep things interesting in your Community!

<More will be added in time.>

Edited by JustinDaniels

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Changed the map, and added a new trailer!  (I know it's crap, but hey, I plan on improving it eventually!)

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