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Localization not present:

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I am attempting to add custom areas to my server. I am utilizing the expansion.chenarusplusgloom mission. After finishing the edits the server will not restart and keeps hanging on loading. I checked the logs and there are no crash reports. I checked the .RPT file and it says the following:

6:12:35.304 Localization won't work: STR_INCOMPATIBLE_LOAD_GAME_ATTEMPT - "Global" stringtable not found
 6:12:35.417 String "STR_server_shutdown" listed twice in "Global"
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_TIME_FORMAT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_NORMAL_LOOK
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_REVERSED_LOOK
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_VALIDERROR
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECTION_LOOSING
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_MP_NO_PASSWORD
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_LAUNCH_GAME
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_INIT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_WORLD
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_GAME
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_SAVE_GAME
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_DISCONNECT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECTING
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_TIMEOUT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_DISP_CLIENT_TEXT_EDIT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_LOGIN_QUEUE_FULL
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_TIME_FORMAT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_NORMAL_LOOK
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_REVERSED_LOOK
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_VALIDERROR
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MP_CONNECTION_LOOSING
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_MP_NO_PASSWORD
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_MSG_LAUNCH_GAME
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_INIT
 6:12:35.431 Localization not present: STR_LOAD_WORLD

Any ideas what might be causing the issue?

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