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Water World Z

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Hello Team,

Let me start off with saying I have zero coding experience this is just an idea that I thought would be fun. I am also unaware if anyone else has posted a similar idea.

Water World Z.

Flood the map deep enough that players can't swim to the bottom. Add sail boats and a sporadic wind system (I would assume just having a circular wind system going around the map would be best, just have the winds change direction randomly). Maybe add some gas powers boats too. Jet skis are a must.

Players would start the game in a small row boat with some basic clothes and food.

The surface of the water should have some random floating cities, structures, and a few large vessels like cargo vessel all filled with zombies galore that refuse to chase players into the water. These areas should be very sparsely populated with food, basic clothing, melee weapons, boat supplies, and most importantly supplies to build a deep water diving suit that connects to a ship via a air hose.

The players goal is to get a diving setup going and get to the loot at the bottom of the surface. Then command the seas.

These are just added bonus Ideas. 

  • Players can build floating shelters
  • Fishing for large fish Water World style by being dragged from your boat. 
  • Zombie Sharks, Killer whales, Octopi, ect... 

Mod I would like to incorporate.

  • Zeroy Fishing

Thanks for taking a look. I hope someone runs with this idea.

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