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Seattle 30: Plane Spawning Hackers

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Me and a friend of mine where playing on Seattle 30 at the North East airfield, in the control tower.

It started that i heard gunfire, rifle shots, really loud ones which i identified as an M107. My friend wanted to leave game but i told him that he and i should just wait and see if the guy comes downstairs, but then decided just to go up ourselves as i heard no-one up there. So we went up to the second floor, then i cautiously when upstairs and saw no-one.

Next moment an attack chopper (must have been hacked, as it isn't in Dayz) lands out in the field the opposite direction to the actual fair strip, and about 5 people got out. They were all really well loaded and one was holding the M107. Me and my mate sat there watching them until we heard more gunfire and the chopper started to take off again, leaving its friends.

The people shot all the zombies and then a few ran to the airstrip. one pulled out his pistol and was literally spawning bomber jets! He spawned 3 of them and another hacked attack chopper. Me and my mate thought we would get spotted for sure up there, so we went to the second level of the control tower; through the window there i see the people again spawning another chopper and hopping in, meanwhile my mate here wants to abort, but i wanted to know what was happening, so we stayed. I was on the stairs at that point looking through the window and pulled out my binoculars to get a better look, they were hopping into the jets and one by one taking off. One of them saw me and alerted his friends. I think that they might have thought they saw me but weren't sure because they didn't run after me. Instead the person with the M107 aimed at me and i quickly hid and aborted (as cowardly as it is, i don't want to die by a hacker).

I don't have any details about there in-game names as i couldn't possibly know as tags where off, but this was extreme hacking i saw and they just got away with it! Is there anything that can be done?

I can't remember the time i was on though, last night some time (Aussie time frame)

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I'm the sever admin for Seattle 30, I'll check the logs but my file is 3.2gb gonna take all day to open it..

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