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Simple & easy suggestions to make pistols/smgs worthwhile

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It has always bother me that pistols & smgs are just a temporary weapon until you find a rifle or even a shotgun or sks (specially with 1.12 buff to sks), this takes away a lot of choice of weapons from the game and things to do. The situations in which it is practical to use a pistol instead of a shotty/rifle are rare early on and non existent in late game (except killing zombies). So i believe that pistols & smgs should have some advantages over rifles, but obviously not in damage. This way even in late game it would make practical sense to have a load out like rifle+rifle+pistol, or rifle+smg/pistols. So here are my ideas which i think are simple & easy to implement.

1- A 4% chance that when you are shot you drop the weapon you have in hands. This way, you need to have a side arm with you just in case.

2- Pistols should be absolutely silent when drawn/switch, smgs a slight noise, rifles a lot of noise. (For ex, you are in a bush sniping and you hear footsteps, you can either switch to rifle, make noise and alert the enemy or switch to pistol and stay undetected.)

3- The time to switch a rifle to a rifle( ex switching between blaze & m4) should be greatly increased taking like 8-10seconds, while switching from a rifle to a smg should be quicker ~5secs , and to a pistol ~2secs (if you have a pistol holder). Now drawing weapon times, a rifle ~3secs, smgs ~1.5secs and pistols ~0.5secs (if you have a pistol holder). This would make pistols/smgs essential to have as a sniper when a player is closing in and would leave the sniper at a disavantage as it should.

4- In line with suggestion number 3 and to make sense of the time to switch between rifles, only having 1 slot for range weapons instead of 2, so if you have 2 rifles one must be on the backpack or you must have it always on your hands which is risky if nro 1 is implemented, so it makes sense the switch to take that long. But here is the catch only lategame backpacks can carry big weapons like rifles, so that the loadout sniper+rifle is a lategame build if you get the top big backpacks, and in mid-early game you would usually go something like rifle+smg or +pistol, or rifle + sawed weapons.

5- Running with a rifle in hand slows you down like ~15%, while having a pistol in hand or sawed weapon makes you run at 100%. I think it makes sense from a realism perspective and gameplay wise.

6- This is probably more complicated and someone must have suggested this already but implementing broken arms. Since we have broken legs now i don't think it would be as hard to do it. This way we are only limited to use pistols until we are healed, or use a morphine.

This suggestions would make pistols an integral part of any lategame build, instead of being just a very early weapon choice until you get a shotty or a sks specially after the buff. It would also make lategame much more interesting in player choice of weapon builds and hence the amount of looting we need to do. Right now if you got blaze+m4 you are absolutely set and don't need anything else, with this changes, you may want to look for a desert eagle, or an smg, or bigger backpack, or you may even choose to drop the m4 for a smg  or drop your blaze and stick with m4 + pistol. Or if you get a svd you might drop the m4 because the svd is like sniper that also good for CQC. 

It would also make the pvp much more interesting and have more choice. Would you walk around with your primary in hand and risk loosing it and run slower? or would not and instead quickdraw your pistol if shot? or draw your rifle/shoty and take 3secs while the enemy is firing or take cover? Or if you get shot in the middle of the field and dropping your primary you can risk it and go back, or continue with your secondary run towards the sniper, or flee if you are chicken and have to loot another primary or maybe you had a big backpack and a spare primary? what would the sniper do when you are approaching? take a long time to switch to a rifle? take out an smg? or keep trying to fire at you and at the last moment take out his top pistol? What if the sniper never landed a hit and now you are close to him with a rifle and he just has a pistol?

Or if you just heard a player, would you draw your rifle and alert him or draw your smg or pistol and have the element of suprise but with less damage? 

Anyway let me know what think. 

Thanks for reading. 


  • Beans 1

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