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Just reminding people this board is about coming up with constructive ideas of how to improve/progress the game. I seem to get a decent amount of rage on my posts saying how the game shouldn't change/move forwards and plenty of "man up " and "you noob" posts for suggesting we try to allow new players a chance to learn the game.

I wish to remind anyone who reads this the forums are for constructive criticism, NOT over-compensating for the size of your genitalia and boasting. These actions are counter constructive in general. Before you post think am i giving an explanation as to why this is/isn't a good idea. Why do i personally get upset by the idea of changes that would add more noob players to the regular players of the servers.

Hopefully this has gotten through to the people ive seen spamming other posts ie the spawn with a weapon petition


which has got no end of rage and boasting etc on it from "hardcore" players.

I personally think these players are morons if they feel the only way to help the game is to prevent any changes as this is still a alpha/beta mod and is still in production

I consider myself privileged to play dayz and would like to see it grow. This requires constructive and innovative ideas and i wish to also thank the players posting constructively on the forums helping rocket and his group improve the game.




People can also give rocket some slack as he isn't some all knowing, all seeing game God, hes a very skilled individual (FROM NEW ZEALAND ;) ) who is working on an impressive mod :)

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