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[CIA] Central Infected Agency (DayZ) is now Recruiting

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The Central Infected Agency of DayZ is now open for recruitment!

This Clan was founded and ran from the beginning of 2021 and are welcoming new members to come and tryout for the clan. We orgionally set up as a friendship group that were playing the same server together but recently realised how well this clan could thrive with a player base over several servers taking over DayZ by storm.

Recruits Must have;

- At least 250 hours in DayZ over all platforms.

- A knowledge on how Modded servers on PC work and how to Play them.

- A sufficent knowledge in not only Vanilla base building but also knowledge in BBP and how it works.

- A polite mouth and consideration for not only other clans and their members but also the members in our clan also.

Those who wish to join the recruitment process will need to respond to this thread with their discord name and tag and I will personally get back to you on the details for the recruitment process!

Edited by CIA_Preston_Is_Ez
Change of requirements

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