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- NEW! - Terminus | Loot+|NoTraders|1PP|Expansion|Cars+|Weapons+|Airdrops|C4Raid|Map] GPlay.gg

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Server name: - NEW! - Terminus | Loot+|NoTraders|1PP|Expansion|Cars+|Weapons+|Airdrops|C4Raid|Map] GPlay.gg
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/JsYE7TeUQx

Map: Expansion.ChernarusPlusGloom

Our server is mainly focused on raiding, basebuilding and PvP.
Airdrops are enabled to give people an opportunity to grab some high tier items, while also providing a place for people to look for PvP.
Traders are disabled, to make looting, raiding and airdrops more vital. The joy of finding that one rare weapon or storage-item that you've been looking for all week! You don't get that as much on servers with NPC-traders enabled.
We do however encourage people to trade with eachother (use our Discord). This increases player interaction and still gives people a higher chance to get what they're looking for. Killing someone you're trading with is not allowed (Same goes for ambushing)!
We've enabled all the mods and settings that we believe will help the PvP experience (Watch below).



  • 2 Airdrops every 70 minutes.
  • No NPC Traders.
  • Lots of extra weapons enabled
  • Increased overall loot, but with certain items being extremely rare!
  • Auto-Run enabled (Shift+Z, Z for auto-walk)
  • No Stamina
  • Party system (max 6 in a group)
  • Map (M) and (3d)markers + pings are enabled
  • Expansion Walls
  • +Custom storage options
  • Vehicles
  • Saline Bag+ (To increase health, if you're not full)
  • Raiding enabled. Two C
  • 4 or four Rockets to blow up a base wall.
  • Ear plugs (P)

Storage & Furniture Items


Crates, chests & Waterbarrels


Fridges & Storage Box


Greenhouses & Fishing storage


Gun racks



Barrels and Rifle safes 




Makeshift Gunrack & Dresser




Edited by HatiHati1

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