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Just spent 30 fucking dollars to play this with my friend, downloaded the game, allowed it though firewall, got the gay ass 6 launcher, and everytime I open up the 6 launcher or try to get into a server I get DISCONNECTED FROM MY INTERNET FOR LIKE 3 MINUTES RINSE AND FUCKING REPEAT.

I just wasted my money didn't I?

Can someone help?

please someone help

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I had a similar issue for the first three weeks of having this game, I understand your frustration, it was the worst. What I found is that it was not a problem with my install or anything, simply my internet/router (which you have probably already figured by now).

I can't link to any specific threads, but search for fixes relating to the following topics on BOTH the DayZ and Arma forums, hopefully they might help:

1. Port Forwarding, which has been successful for some people

2. Change your multiplexing settings, which has been prohibiting people from using Battleye resulting in them getting kicked immediately

3. Firewall issues, which it looks like you've already tried

Trust me, I tried everything, and as a last-ditch effort I tried using an ethernet cable from my cable modem to my pc, and by some miracle that fixed it.

Best of luck.

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