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Crossbow bolt recovery, Zombie spawns

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Crossbow bolt recovery

One of the most annoying things Im finding at the moment is the inability to recover bolts if the target lands the wrong way. Sure, bolts can be lost in reality, but they should only be "lost" when you miss your target and they fly off in to the wilderness.

If there is a way to remove the bolt model when they hit a zombie, and place it in the zombie's inventory, that may be a good solution.

Zombie spawns

So far theyre ok. My only gripe is when they spawn literally right next to you. Your presence should restrict the spawns in the immediate area.

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I like the idea of placing the crossbow bolt into the inventory that will make the crossbow much more useful.

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You can take the bolt off the zombie, it will be stuck into his body and not in the inventory.....

I have done it after killing cows and zombies all the time

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Yep I loose half my bolts inside walls or under the zombie or some other crazy as well. Be nice if they also had glowing end bits! (totally realistic for recovery)

Also addition option to craft FIREBOLTS or EXPLOSIVEBOLTS with the right ingredients would be fantastic!

PS. The crossbow needs a WORKING iron sight, atm it doesn't appear to aim up very well at all

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agree'd both.

Bolts should show up in inventory on the dead body.

I've a few times spent several minutes meticulously clearing a barn or somesuch only to have magical zombie spawn on top of me leaving me no choice but to run like hell from these zombie mana.

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I hope you do not mind if I piggyback off your post Griff but speaking of crossbows I wouldn't mind having a red dot scope attached to it. I can handle the delay, and the low body shot damage but it is hella hard to aim with the crossbow to get that critical headshot. I have seen most of the crossbows sold at my local sporting goods stores sporting red dots and some even 2X and 4X magnification scopes on them. I have trouble finding one without any sort of optic on it.

Retrieving bolts is pretty impressive. I am glad that is in game. I have found some pretty long range misses stuck into the ground and walls. I am a pretty piss poor shot with it lol.

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The bolt should be attached to the zombie.

Look at the bolt and you should be able to pick it up.

I think you guys are missing the issue...

When a target falls on to the bolt, you cant pick it up. You can when the bolt is sticking out above ground, but with a limited inventory, eventually after a few kills you will be out of bolts.

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There's also the fact that the Crossbow's ironsights aren't really working properly making it difficult to fire.

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The ability to stack bolts in one slot instead of taking up half your inventory would be nice.

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Didn't even think of that...I'm not sure if Arma supports inventory stacking. I haven't modded arma before but I guess the logic would be:

if newItem.Name is in inventory.itemArray[Name]

-if ItemArray[Name].count < 10



I know flare items count for 10 flares etc...Im not sure if that can work like that though? Would be nice

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If there is a way to remove the bolt model when they hit a zombie' date=' and place it in the zombie's inventory, that may be a good solution.[/quote']

This would be great, never use the xbow because of this issue (and the fact that Bolts don't stack in your inventory... and the iron sights are sucky)

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Guest Suffocation

The bolts not stacking are kind of the point though, its a quiet special weapon that upon killing an enemy you want to get back and kill another one with the same bolt.

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The bolts not stacking are kind of the point though' date=' its a quiet special weapon that upon killing an enemy you want to get back and kill another one with the same bolt.


therein lies the problem :P

And you have to admit, 10 bolts would take up much less space in the bag than 10 flares

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Glad i found this thread was going to say the exact same thing

Upvote from Me :)

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Just a note they both should happen and if a target falls onto a bolt cant you just flip the corpse over and hope the bolt survived especially if its Steel Bolts like those the Crossbow Fires if they were wooden I Expect Splinters and no Bolt but Steel would survive and the Iron Sights are HORRID I tried to use it and after being forced to Hip fire a Zombie to death ran back to my Trusty Hatchet of Dismemberment I and used it until I got a good gun I mean the should be a Sight that atleast allows for some true Accuracy not asking for a complete Overhaul but a Red Dot sight for some proper Iron Sights in Real life most Crossbows have a Red Dot sight due to the fact adding Rear Foresights is alot more annoying to deal with than just getting a Mountable sight that can be multi used

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Dwarf Fortress flashback here. I love in that game when a wounded dwarf's inventory shows "Horse Bone Bolt - Lodged in Upper Arm" and then you can adjust ownership privileges on it so a medic will pull it out and treat the wound. Took me a few tries to figure it out, since by default the bolt belongs to the guy who shot him, so your doctors would just leave it in there out of respect for personal property rights. Fun game. Fun.

I'm all for making it easier to reclaim fired bolts. As it is, getting your quarrel back is as hard or harder than removing barbed wire (which should be addressed as well, in my opinion). Adding it to the corpse's inventory is a straightforward fix, and I support it wholeheartedly.

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