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Suggestion: Slenderman!

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Slenderman is an urban legend and in case you don't know much about him: Google it! Slenderman is normally just a tall person standing there and watching you. In pictures he's usually in the background far away. Maybe you guys could add him maybe as an easteregg or just random event where you see him shortly and then disappears. Just to make the atmosphere even more creepy!

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As I said "Just to make the atmosphere even more creepy!"

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I don't feel this fits in with the theme of the mod. Slenderman is supposed to be a supernatural entity, whereas the zombies in Day Z are not supernatural, they are infected with some kind of rage virus. However I'd like to see more zombie varieties (zombie dogs for example).

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I see your point and I kinda agree with that Slenderman does not fit into the game since he's supernatural, but that is also why I would like to see him as an easteregg, you know, something that doesn't really fit into the game but is still funny/scary/whatever.

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Sorry but I don't really think its a great idea. It could be done for another game/mod but definitely not this one. It just doesn't go with it, maybe a creepy zombie but not slenderman.

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It would be fun however to have more types of zombies ingame, and some rare ones, rare creepy strong ones who wonder at random remote locations.

Zombies that make you shit your pants when you see them

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Go play some Minecraft... The game is a 'realistic' zombie survival game, not a horror movie as stated.

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Dudes easter eggs are not supposed to make sense. I would shit my pants if I saw the Slender Man looking at me.

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The only way something like this would be awesome is if it was implemented secretly, scared a few people, and then was removed for a while before being implemented secretly again for a while.

Otherwise it just becomes a novelty.

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