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Night Time Just Doesn't Work

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What's the point of having darkness if people can just tweak their brightness/gamma settings to play in the light again?

Just 5 mins ago I was running along the beach in pitch black darkness, to have someone with a makarov run right up to me and pump a mag into my face. I was prone. In grass. In pitch black. I couldn't even see my own character.

This is just a broken game element. People who choose not to cheat are put at a blatant disadvantage. Either reduce night time significantly or remove it altogether.

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The solution, it seems, is to make night bright enough so that one doesn't need gamma adjustments to help. And also to make it dark enough to be atmospheric and make night time much harder to navigate in, as it should be.

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Darkness are part of this game and there is reason why most game doesn't have darkness...

If you hate it then raise the god dam gamma ffs.

Anyway this game is still on alpha.

Learn how to play and use chemlight,flashlight or flare ffs

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Ya know...the gamma and brightness thing doesn't work for me at all.

I play with it maxed when its night and I still can't see a damned thing, guess it's been fixed for some people to not work.

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Darkness are part of this game and there is reason why most game doesn't have darkness...

If you hate it then raise the god dam gamma ffs.

Anyway this game is still on alpha.

Learn how to play and use chemlight' date='flashlight or flare ffs


You missed the point entirely.

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Darkness are part of this game and there is reason why most game doesn't have darkness...

If you hate it then raise the god dam gamma ffs.

Anyway this game is still on alpha.

Learn how to play and use chemlight' date='flashlight or flare ffs



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If you can't stop yourself from lifting gamma like a bitch because 'other kids are doing it', then you're pathetic.

Thread locked, there are already fifty thousand threads on the same topic.

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