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gandhi's flip flop

Car spawns

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I was trying to find a car on experimental server LA since they technically improved server performance so I literally ran from seashore to tisy and checked every single car spawn location on the way yet no cars anywhere. I am getting curios about how many cars are there in total and how the fuck are we supposed to find them. What happens to the cars people just take and never play the game again ? How do they despawn ?

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4 hours ago, gandhi's flip flop said:

I was trying to find a car on experimental server LA since they technically improved server performance so I literally ran from seashore to tisy and checked every single car spawn location on the way yet no cars anywhere. I am getting curios about how many cars are there in total and how the fuck are we supposed to find them. What happens to the cars people just take and never play the game again ? How do they despawn ?

Getting cars is kinda a pain, Iv spent 3 days total trying to find one. Best to keep at it and explore the major cities where they have more spawn points......keep it up and you will find something. Promise.

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