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A Hunters Land PvP / PvE

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A hunters land slightly modded complete cars and trucks just add water we have 2 servers of the same name Lovonia and chanarus both modded the same currently unlocked for a taste will close at the end off the week . There is no discord to join all game info of futuer event will be put on the xbox group page of the same request invite to be whitelisted Lovonia has a slight twist if you want a challenge come look see, groups welcome.


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Hunters land is a survival PvE and PvP chernarus .

Basic items on coast sparse tinned food guns.

All cars complete and each car has basic survival items each make is different. Trucks are equipped as a mobile less barrels and crates .

Better weapon further in land all come with mags and bullets with a higher spawn rate.

And more.....

No base raiding 

PvP Military bases only 

Factions , bandits welcome

Can increase slots if required


No discord all chat conducted either through game or through our xbox server group A HUNTER LAND PvE and PvP contact group page to be whitelisted 


Edited by Tyllwyd

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