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It never rains AK's, it pours...

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After, literally, months of searching, today I stumbled across 3 AK weapons. A KA-M and 2 KA-101's and believe it or not they were all in the same location! I didn't know what to do with myself. LOL.

Thing is, I have never used a KA-101. Only the baby AK and a KA-M.

So...the age old debate...which one is the better weapon? Leaving aside the availability of gunsights, mags and ammo. Cos the KA-M stuff is far easier to find. But gun wise, is the 101 better than the M, or vice versa? Their bullet damage is the same, if I'm correct.

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Ak-101 ain't got shit for recoil, but it's limited to the 30 round mags while the AKM has the drum mag. however the drum mags for the akm are so incredibly beyond rare.  I'd take AK-101 unless I was able to get a drum mag for the AKM :] 

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1 hour ago, YeedMyLastHaw669 said:

Ak-101 ain't got shit for recoil, but it's limited to the 30 round mags while the AKM has the drum mag. however the drum mags for the akm are so incredibly beyond rare.  I'd take AK-101 unless I was able to get a drum mag for the AKM :] 

Well ATM, I'm using the 101. Aside for the rarity of ammo, I can't see that much of a difference yet. Haven't used it on full auto though, so the recoil hasn't been an issue.

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