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Lucas Films

My server won't show up server list

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2 days ago, I rented a server from Nitrado, but it does not show up in dayz launcher and in-game serve list.

I asked Nitrado support team and did everything they told, changing server name, stop and restart ,or reinstall.

They even changed server machine for me, but still my server not appear.

But I can connect my serevr directly with IP and port number, or using DZSALauncher.

Then today I rented another server from GTXGaming because I thought problem was with Nitrado.

Done install, changed few config and started, but still problem is same, not showing up in server list, and able to connect with IP or DZSALauncher.

I also reinstalled my DayZ, but nothing cahnged.


Situation is 

- rented server (Nitrado & GTXGaming) does not show up dayz launcher and in-game server list

- connectable directly with IP address (both server)

- once I connected server, shows up in "RECENT" tab (both server)

- shows up DZSALaucnher and connectable (both server)


I've never heard such a trouble and am very confusing.

Could anyone please help me?


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i have no idea if your still active here but me and my brother are running into the same problem,

we rented a server on mitrado and we cant find it in game.

do you remember how to fix the issue?


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I have set up multiple DayZ servers on both Linux and Windows, ranging from dedicated hardware to managed servers like Nitrado, GTXGaming, Zap, and others. I am well-versed in Linux server administration, and I have configured all the necessary parameters correctly in the configuration file, including the hostname, Steam port, and Steam query port. I have manually opened the required ports on my dedicated hardware and properly configured the RCON port as well.

However, I’ve encountered an issue where servers sometimes only appear in the server list once, such as with Nitrado, and then disappear, becoming unfindable. Additionally, my self-hosted standalone DayZ servers on Linux do not show up in the DayZ server list at all, regardless of whether mods are installed or not.

If anyone knows a solution, please share it with us or show us how it’s done. I would be very grateful.

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