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GenTroy (DayZ)

B Team Dayz Server 1PP No Traders

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Come check out our new server:  B Team | 1PP | No Traders | Groups | Map | PvE/PvP | Day | No Rain

No traders, loot or kill for your gear needs. 1st Person only.  Server uses group system so you can easily team up with friends. VanillaPlusPlusMap for easier navigation.  4 hour restarts, with 3.5 day to 30 minute night cycle per reboot(full moon nights, not pitch black). Global chat enabled.  No rain mod, only rains 1% of the time.  Public Discord so you can team up if desired.  PvP or PvE, you can be a lone farmer or hunter living off the land, or your can spend your dayz living off the loot of your victims.  

Server Located on East coast.  B team has players and admins from US and EU.

Discord: https://discord.gg/VEW8eG

Server is brand new, we are open to suggestions. 

Edited by GenTroy (DayZ)

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I collected a few clips made a trailer for it! 70% of the clips used where from this server. The opening clip is from a previous trader server, our server does not use traders (thank jebus). 


Edited by Plainer

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