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Which Pc would be better for play DayZ

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So im investing in a New pc and I want to be able to play DayZ casually on Normal Settings as im tired of the shitty little very low settings. In your opinion which pc from below is better as im not a pc guru. Thanks!

Pc 1:

AMD Bulldozer FX-4170 4.2GHz Quad Core CPU

8GB of 1333Mhz DDR3 RAM

2TB Hard Drive Storage Space

ATI Radeon HD 6670 2GB Graphics

Pc 2:

AMD Bulldozer FX-4100 4.0GHz Quad Core CPU

8GB 1333Mhz DDR3 RAM

2TB Hard Drive Storage Space

AMD Radeon HD 6770 1GB Grapics

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What is your budget and what parts do you already have? Like, do you already have a case, psu, Windows license, etc, or do you want to build it from the ground up?

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I was hoping to buy a pre built custom one as im not great with pcs so I probably wouldnt be able to build it myself, but I have a budget of roughly £500 and I already have the windows license.

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Did you pull those specs from a certain site? Poking around some UK sites now that build comps.

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Yeah basically found a site and they have an ebay store so pulled the specs of the prebuilt pc's that look ok and fair in price, they are about £350 each.

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I would invest more in the GPU and less on the CPU. Get something along the lines of a 6850 or 7770 on the ATI front, or gtx 560/570 on the nvidia front which should be budget friendly enough but will give you much more bang for your buck.

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Without reading what others have/have not already said.

I own the AMD Radeon HD 6770 and it is more than capable of running the game in 1980x1050 with med/high settings. I have not checked the FPS, but it has never been noticeable apart from on laggy servers which cause the game to freeze every 5-10 seconds.

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Both of those systems should run this game fine. You may have to drop the draw distance, but I'd say it'll be ok. You don't need "high-end" gear to play this, mid-range is good enough to run it at max.

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Can you afford to go two more rungs up the ladder and get the GTX560TI ? Or even the gtx560 non se ? the se is the entry level card, the non see and ti will give you a bit mor juice for not much more dollars :)

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