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i cant Deploy Fence kit

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so i tried to build a fence and i did but for some reasons i destroyed the Fence now when i want to try to place the fence kit no option appears that i can deploy the fence kit
is it a bug ? or im i missing something ?
cause last time i did i could do it easily and without any issues
i even tried to make another fence kit but the problem still persists
any ideas ?

i didnt have any issue before the 8mb recent update 

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I have this exact same issues but it only happens within structures.

I have a base in a small tenemant building with a gate already built, but now whenever i want to put down another one inside i'm not allowed to deploy it.

I can still deploy them outside, but not inside anymore while i used to be able to before the small update.

I tried the exact same location where i currently have mine in another building of the same kind and wasn't able to put one down.


if this is supposed how it is supposed to be from now on, i'm kinda dissapointed because the whole reason i built my base inside a structure is to make sure that my base attracts as little attention as possible, it doesn't help that the barrels i have randomly make opening/closing sounds eventho i am not even near them and don't interact with them, and if now you're telling me that the only way i can secure a base is by building it in the open the base gameplay will basicly be dead to me as a solo player. all i do now already is basicly just camp my base location because all someone has to do is hear the random barrel noices while walking by and brute forcing the codelock which takes at most 2 and a half hours.

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I was just doing this in a shed... the shed has two doors and I wanted to build the fence inside the shed doors so I could close the doors to block the view of the fence.  But I simply cannot place the fence kit inside (within the foundation) of the shed building.  I've tried to build inside houses too and it won't work.  Is this intentional?

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