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State of Death RP ( PvE, Semi-PvP, Community-Building )

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In the year 2019, an unknown virus began to silently spread across the population. The symptoms started small, from a simple cough to constant sneezing... then it ended in vomiting blood, organ failure, blindness, death, and shortly following that... reanimation, rage, loss of control of one's body, cannibalistic instincts, and endless hunger.

The world was not ready for such a strange phenomenon. By the time one month passed, already 95% of the population began to show signs of the symptoms. Then, in one brief night... the world turned dark. Electrical Companies stopped working, and Water Plants broke down. Those who worked to maintain them? Most of them have turned into mindless husks that hunt down the living.

Now, the remaining 5% of us struggle to survive. Having found ourselves more resilient to this disease, we try to rebuild the world, whether by taking shelter in an old home, or building entirely new colonies, all while avoiding the infected, or fighting back to take what was once ours.

But food and water are scarce, and money has lost its value. Now, the common currency are bullets, materials, and naturally, rations of food and water, or medicine to cure the sick. Trade Agreements are made, and each trader have their own sets of rules to follow.

Then, the soldiers continue to fight the infected. The civilians bearing arms often can be seen aiding them. Slowly, the world will start to rebuild itself. Old hatreds are now forgotten, and an alliance has been made... a war with a common enemy: the infected.

But there are those who exploit the madness. A world without law can only maintain order for so long, before people turn on each other.

And then, there might come another type of war.

One year on, and the war for survival continues.

Welcome to Hell... or as we locals like to call it... The State of Death.

Server Information

Loot Spawn Rates: Vanilla. No handouts. We're easy and laid-back, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy to find food and water.  We will, however, replace any items that were deleted because of a bug, update, and otherwise unfair situation.  Note, however, that being robbed does NOT count as "Unfair" in this regard!  It IS the apocalypse, after all...

No Griefers here. Just people who are trying to survive.  If you REALLY think that robbing/sniping someone at the beach for supplies is a "necessary way to survive", then you're not going to last long in this community.

Fair Play Rules apply! All situations have a silver lining, and if you play your cards right, death CAN actually be avoided through proper reasoning or stealth.  If you're being robbed by a bandit, and comply, then they are obligated by the SERVER'S RULES to let you go with your life, and a minimal way to survive, such as a little food and water.

KOS is limited, but there. You can NOT Kill-On-Sight beyond a Radiated Zone or Tisy.  The only exceptions are if you're a Bounty Hunter seeking a bandit that has a Bounty on their head, a Bandit who's seeking a Bounty Hunter to defend themselves from, or a warring faction against another.  (Warfare can only be done in a set zone that both sides agree upon.)

English only, please.

Moderator Positions Open. Applications can be done via Private Messaging.

Modded for extra fun challenges, and intense moments that encourages cooperation and team-building within the game's world, while also providing base building options that can further enhance your experience, such as Base Building Plus, Base Furniture Mods, and Notes for those who want to start their own Survival Log, or to go out with a "Shopping List" to remind yourselves, or your community members, of what you're after!

Some Mods will be added/removed accordingly, based on Community Feedback. Adjustments will be a breeze, client-wise. Just join like usual, and the DZSA Launcher will make the corrections, itself, while you don't have to do a thing!

12-hour server restarts ensures you'll not find an entire forest clear-cut for too long. Also included is an auto-updating function to ensure all mods get updated each restart!

Slower farming ensures you don't have to rush your farm work, while also challenging you to maintain your plants and gardens in a timely manner. No more 8-minutes to overloaded tomato farms. You have to scavenge and hunt in order to survive up to your first harvest, and maintain your resources carefully! (Also included is Cannabis Plus, so there's also that.)

Player-Driven Economy! We will not have, nor will we EVER have, the "Trader" Mod. We want players to actually BE the traders, and seek out resources that can be helpful. Branch out, and make an alliance with another settlement, or hire some mercenaries to help protect your cargo from robbers! Gone are the days of the dollar. Now, you might be more inclined to ask for things such as bullets for your weaponry, resources you lack such as food or medicine, etc. etc. Maybe some formerly illegal gains would be useful to help you out with the stresses of the Post-Apocalyptic Life, such as cannabis? The possibilities are quite endless!

Many more to come!


1. This is a Role-Playing Server. This means you have to treat the game as if you were the character living within it, and not just another player that "spawned in the middle of nowhere". Each character has a life they lived, and you're doing your part in living it. Your words are not your own, but your CHARACTER'S words.

2. Do NOT Spawn Snipe, or Randomly Attack! Confrontation is an important part of RP, but people don't just randomly start firing their guns or swinging their weapons if they weren't confronted, first. Did that character anger yours? Then you can attack them AFTER you've been provoked. There are only a few exceptions to this, such as Tisy, and Bounties.

--Tisy is more than a Military Hotspot in this server: it's one of the spots where the "Mysterious Energy" came from. Though players are immune to the infection, this doesn't mean the energy doesn't have different effects on them! Characters will hallucinate, and see their worst nightmares before their eyes. (This is a logical reason why a player would "attack" someone randomly, as they wouldn't know who's who.) However, if you enter WITH someone, you can still "witness" their transformation, and understand the situation as it being "all in your head". However, you can't guarantee the same for your partners. With this in mind, Tisy will be the only "No-Holds" area, where random killing and chaos can occur at any given time.

-- Bounties are another option. You can't just put a bounty on someone because "you want to see them bleed". They have to have wronged you in a severe case. This can range from robbing you, stealing supplies from your home, or swindling you from a deal. This can make bounty hunting a job for those who want to put their sniper rifles to good use. If you're caught with a bounty on your head, and you get sniped, regardless of location, then it's fair game. But ONLY for this one time! This is because of Rule 3.

3. One Life. One In-Character Death = New Life. What this means is, if you're killed off via "RP" Means, and not by some bug, glitch, or lag spike, then your character is gone, and you're not to "go loot your old body". You will start a new life, as a new character. As such, when you die, please exit the server, rename, re-customize or randomize, THEN rejoin as a new character. This can be excused, as implied before, if you didn't die fairly, and your character can be considered "knocked unconscious", with their memories intact. Just let an Admin know, and they can teleport you back to where your "death" was whenever they can.

4. Robbing is allowed, Mugging is restricted, but allowed. You can be a robber, you can be a mugger. But you can only rob one person in each town, and only once per character. You have to leave them with something to defend themselves if they comply, unless they were empty. This also means you can't take their LAST piece of food, drink, and only weapon, but can take all excess if they're carrying it. This is the "Honorable Robbery System". If they refuse to comply, and are issuing "hostility" or "evasion", they can be knocked out, and even killed if they don't yield. If they are knocked out, you can loot them of ALL their stuff, but can't be killed, yet, unless they bleed out. If they try fighting back when they wake up, though... THEN they can be killed... or you, if you're not quick enough.

-- Don't rob if you don't have an IC Reason to. If you're full of gear, food, and drink, and just need "one more item", you wouldn't be resorting to violence or robbery. If you're hungry, thirsty, and have already searched everywhere for something, then find someone else who's carrying enough to get by, THEN you can either try reasoning, or robbery. (Remeber, though! Robberies AND Muggings CAN resort to you getting a bounty on your head!)

-- If you are armed, and WITNESS a robbery, you are free to attack the robber and defend the victim, OR join the robber, and share the loot after robbing them, at the risk of a bounty on YOUR head, as well. If you're being robbed, you're free to resort to violence, but with the robber's death, or deaths, as a "Last Resort". If they tried robbing you, you can loot them of their weapons to "disarm" them, and then reverse the situation. (If you were the witness, and took the valuables of the robbers, however, this also marks YOU as a candidate for bounties, so be advised!) The better, honorable thing to do as a victim is to remove the weapons' ammunition ONLY. If you took a robber's weapon, you can be given a bounty, as some weapons are "sentimental". But take the bullets, and the clips, and you're safe, as you're only keeping them from attacking you with it. You CAN, however, disarm them completely, with the intention to give it back after confronting them verbally, and you'll be safe from a bounty, as well.

5. Do NOT raid bases unless you're in a "Clan War" with the owner of the base! This means if you see a base, and KNOW that it's "Enemy Territory", then you're free to raid it, but do NOT just destroy any base you see!

-- If you're defending your base in a Clan War, then Rules 2 and 4 can be ignored, as you're clearly defending your property!

-- If you're NOT in the clan, but close by it, give a fair warning to the intruders. If they press on, then Rule 4 is put into play, and the offenders are counted as "Robbers". Should they break in, they can NOT destroy the entire base, and are expected to just "rob" you, and your base. However, bounties are then able to be put on their heads as a result, and they are forbidden from killing you if you comply.

-- Do NOT attack a flagged base unless the owner of it's online, and available to defend it. You CAN rob them while they're "not home", but you can NOT rob them if they're "not in the game". This goes against the "Honorable Robbery System", and can have you removed from the server if you're caught.

-- Bases that lack a "White Flag" in front of their entrances are free game for robberies, AND attacks, regardless of whether online or offline. Want to stake a claim down, and not fear being looted while offline? Plant a flag near the entrances!

Rules are subject to change, and can be further expanded upon later. The key to staying on everyone's good side is to just use "Common Sense". If you can't, then I'm afraid this server just might not be right for you. If it is, though, then please feel free to join our little community at your own pace! If you have any questions, feel free to ask away, and we'll be happy to help!

Why Choose Us?

Every Life Matters.


A hardcore Death Mechanic challenges your decision-making beyond regular DayZ Standards.  When your character dies, they are dead for good.  No "Reviving yourself after someone clearly saw you get mauled by zeds."  When your character is gone, you assume a new life, with a new identity.  Communities are encouraged to set up a funeral or memorial for each survivor of theirs that bites the bullet!  Who knows?  Maybe you'll even attend your OWN funeral?

A Chance to Relax.


DayZ has so many neat mechanics that few ever take into consideration, because they're constantly dodging bullets or running towards the best loot spots.  In this server, you're encouraged to do the opposite!  So relax, enjoy yourself, and try to survive for as long as you can.

And the opportunity to build a story with others.


Each character has their own unique personality, both with its advantages and its quirks.  Together, though, you can overcome those quirks... maybe even adapt to a new lifestyle?  You're only limited to your imagination, and the decisions you make!

So yes... why join us, indeed?

Discord: https://discord.gg/yQ2SDgx

Edited by JustinDaniels

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