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OB1 (DayZ)

the game is dieing :(

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well i still cant play cuz im armaX user ...but this not my main problem right now^^ i joint today since a week on our ts clan server and all of the players there (20or30 of em) quittet playing dayZ :( cuz of the cheaters ...they were talking about that it was raining plains who killed every1...and all players on server got lifted up in the sky and beeen killed, and elektro was destroy and so on .... im wondering if sum1 dose sutch big hacks its rly rly easy 2 figure out who it was , so why cant u ban em ?? or atleast give the server admins the right 2 ban players from the server! better we have 1 stupid admin who kik players cuz he maybe got killed of em. then this shi t ....or not?

and the funnyest thing about it is , im sure ill get for this post a warning(again) or even get baned :D

lol and i saw in this forum earlyer a like 2 a dayz cheat forum were u can get all this bullcrap what is killing this fantastic game :(

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you never read the forums i guess.

sure you know that in alpha use exploits, cheats, hacks etc because its pretty easy to do.

But the Dayz admins read the forums almost 24/7 and gain so much experience from all our complaints that they're working on a lot of stuff.

As for the banning, server admins can ban people, but the bans will be gone after a server restart. i believe bans done through BattleEye will stay, but iam not sure about this.

just be patient and try having fun

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YoChris you dont know OFP, Arma, Arma 2 and I can tell you they wont stop them so get used to the cheats alpha has 0 to do with it.

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As for the banning' date=' server admins can ban people, but the bans will be gone after a server restart.


Um no, once a user is banned from the server that's it... it goes into a text file that only gets wiped if you do it manually.

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All most of us can do is wait patiently for either Battleye to get its shit in gear or for the developers to make amends to appease/eliminate some of this cheating that has been occurring recently.

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ya but if server restart automaticly your banlist = whiped. only if you restart manually the bans stay.

@Anth. i never said Dayz will do that, thats BattleEye's problem in banning the cheater noobs. not dayz.

only said Dayz can fix exploits, bugs, and other small stuff inside the Dayz Mod itself

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Unless the Arma team themselves work on it which I have seen before, introducing new patches and battle eye which to be honest has done nothing because the game itself is so openly easy to mod it was made to be.

I cant see them doing this with Arma 3 being worked on why would they. If Arma 3 is the same which I suspect will be then you will see the same thing happening also with the cheats.

Its funny ive seen cheats that mimics players ids and names and so most of the reports on this forum or probably false people getting banned for nothing basicaly.

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ya i agree with you dont get me wrong. there will never be a game without cheats,

things create by humans can be destroyed by humans

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I was 13 days alive until I was killed by a cheater everyone on the server died broken legs teleported :). So I agree with this thread the game will die very slowly unless there is a major turn around.

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Agree, i was killed two times, both few long days of playing, finding stuff... Today on BE1 hacker kill almost everyone one by one (you run, run and fall down and die just like heart stop), i got enough, don't remember when someone shoot to me, don't remember...

This is great mod! But for now i go back to DCS, and looking here for some good news, but if BIS don't make something with BE this GREAT mod will die.

Look how fast and simple they can spoof BE: XXXXX No, google it self, i don't post it here.

What a shame!

EDIT: Maybye back to life characters killed by cheaters will rescue situation? Maybye servers should be locked and first You must register? Because i don't have another 20-30 hours of constant play to retrieve my equipment...

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