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"empty hands" keybind reintroduction, small thing

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Hello there,

If you guys remember, in the Arma2 you could "empty" your hands by pressing "h", it would only drop the item from the hands if there was no space in the inventory.  

Why? As of right now you have to open inventory and either double-click the item in your hands, or drag it into a slot/free space in your inventory by hand. Takes a lot of time. Sometimes I want to take out my compass, but it's not on a hotbar key, so I have to open the inventory, fine, no prob. But then to put it away and get empty hands I have to again open the inventory. That I don't like. Or I have un-hot-bar'd rags in my hands from bandaging and I want to put a weapon I dropped into my hands, again have to open inventory, get rid of rags first, then either drag weapon to hands or close inventory and "use" it.  

It would be a small thing, but improve the quality of life in some situations, if there was a keybind to "empty hands", trying to put the item into your inventory, and if not possible either not do anything or drop the item (designer decision right here).  

Yes I know we have a key to just drop the thing from hands to ground, but it's clearly something else, because it does that no matter if there's space in the inventory or not.  


What do you guys think?


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