RECONICTV 0 Posted June 10, 2020 Greetings! Community/Server Name: SPDrp | @SpawnPlayDie | RolePlay | Main Playstyle: RolePlay with PVP Main server mods and other essential info: • Doubled helicopter crash sites • Complete vehicles spawn in official locations • Increased Animal spawns • Official Player Spawns • 20 Slot Servers (based in Asia) Let's get this out of the way, season 1 has begun! -- is LIVE! We SUGGEST that you read each channel carefully and familiarize yourself with the Discord and roleplay rules. --Whitelist is OPEN! You'll find some changes in the Discord as well. If you have any questions, please visit the #faq under the DayZ category in the Discord. If you can't find your answer there, post your inquiry in #askstaff and we will get to it as soon as we can. If we don't answer right away, please be patient with us. SpawnPlayDie is a amazing community and we are far more grateful than we can ever put into words. We want to implement all new changes smoothly, but we realize that things might not work without kinks. Trust that we will handle these bumps appropriately whilst keeping everyone in the loop. Also, we can't stress this enough... READ THE RULES! As always, It is your responsibility to be aware of the Discord and server rules and how to conduct yourself in SpawnPlayDie. Staff will NOT be repeatedly reminding anyone of these guidelines and we will be less lenient with the breaking of them. If you don't understand something, get clarification--it's up to you! We really appreciate the people who've taken the time to roleplay and play server on the server. --The lore is important for your character's backstory. How the lore affects your character is completely up to you. We are excited to see how these new changes affect your overall playing experience in DayZ and roleplay to consoles and specially the Xbox. Feedback on the short but sweet lore is welcome, as always. TO JOIN Important links - Follow us on Twitter - Discord Thank you all for your continued support and we hope you continue to make this community as great as it always has been. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites