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Uncle Skippy

How do you take pills ?

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I'm new to Dayz. just had it over a week. so far died of hunger about a gazillion times !

I got sick yesterday from drinking from a water bottle I found (I thought that was odd) but..

Anyway for once I had some pills in a container (I forget what they were) 

I put container in my hand and expected to have to open it and then take a pill but there seemed no way to do this?

This on a PS4 BTW

would appreciate some help  as I'm finding lots of small problems like this.


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1 hour ago, Uncle Skippy said:

I'm new to Dayz. just had it over a week. so far died of hunger about a gazillion times !

I got sick yesterday from drinking from a water bottle I found (I thought that was odd) but..

Anyway for once I had some pills in a container (I forget what they were) 

I put container in my hand and expected to have to open it and then take a pill but there seemed no way to do this?

This on a PS4 BTW

would appreciate some help  as I'm finding lots of small problems like this.


they should just prompt you once you have them in your hands, make sure you are out of the inventory and just press R2 once. 

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The option should display at the bottom left corner of the screen, below the item name, when it is in your hands,

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they were multivitamins BTW and I think i must have tried R2  50 times. there were no prompts I'm sure. 

Today I just gave myself an epipen injection and I had a real puzzle with that as well. I think i might be holding R2 too long as it happened by accident that I found it worked with just a short jab on the trigger.

Maybe that's what i am doing wrong when I get some more multivitamins I'll try it again. Thanks

I'm not sure if it's a bug but I just respawned and I can't make rags any more R2 is not working and I don't get the usual prompt to make rags which is the first time this has happened . 

Ah! I never noticed any prompt on the left side either I'll make sure I look next time 🙂




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The rags thing is the server I think there is only military clothing on this one and it won't let me turn them into rags but it will let me turn a burlap sack into 'burlap strips' which i assume would act the same.

This game is soo bloody hard. I've got a cold now. god knows how? 🙂 

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about cold i guess you walked too long under rain or in wet status.....beware cold isn't so lethal (stay indoor, eat, use dry clothes) but when you are coughing other players can hear you and determine where you are

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I remember now. 

As a complete idiot I found some combat trousers and was changing in to them when I was attacked by a zombie inside a house.

The zombie cut me and I was losing blood and I didn't have any rag at that point so I ran to the nearest house looking for rag but collapsed and laid all night on the road.

With no trousers on ! LOL

I reckon that was it 🙂

This game is so much fun..  I'm in the woods by a pond now going to try fishing for the first time. what can go wrong lol

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keep staying alive, more game hours, more experience you acquired.

And remember nothing is dangerous than other player, trust no one ☠️

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Keep at it @Uncle Skippy, the more you play the more you learn. Just remember what @supernick said... nothing is more dangerous than another player so stay sneaky, move quietly and trust no-one... wear good boots and cook the chicken! 

Also, try not to carry unnecessary stuff as it slows you down if you have to make a hasty exit.

Nearly forgot... there are lots of pills for lots of things. I'm not sure how they all work myself but I'm sure someone here will know or failing that, Mr U Tube often helps.

Edited by Trev_Bash
went off topic but came back...

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On 6/5/2020 at 11:45 AM, Uncle Skippy said:

I remember now. 

As a complete idiot I found some combat trousers and was changing in to them when I was attacked by a zombie inside a house.

The zombie cut me and I was losing blood and I didn't have any rag at that point so I ran to the nearest house looking for rag but collapsed and laid all night on the road.

With no trousers on ! LOL

I reckon that was it 🙂

This game is so much fun..  I'm in the woods by a pond now going to try fishing for the first time. what can go wrong lol

charcoal tablets help stomach sickness, anti biotic help with the cold/flu. multi vitamins strengthen your immune system, and codeine pills will cancel out the pain and also sickness, for example if your health is red and you are limping then take codeine pills to cancel out the slowness I think also use morphine injections.

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