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Nonlethal Weapon

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Just posted this as a feature in the bug tracker thought I would chuck it here too to get some feedback.

I propose a non lethal weapon to disable a target temporarily, opening up the possibility to:

A) Give players that value their humanity an insurance policy against getting shot when they can act first in confrontation

B) Allow players to stick up other players without killing them

An example implementation of this weapon would be a tazer, that on successful hit, knocks the target unconscious for 60 seconds or so. Giving the shooter time to move out of the area, or rob the target blind.

I think this would give a nice alternative to always shoot first which seems to be the only logical option right now

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Tazers, beanbag guns, dart guns, paintball guns with teargas rounds...

I love it. So you could disable a person, loot them without killing them or even talk to them and convince them to work with you?

Yes...this is a good idea.

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