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Zombie spawn distance

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So as far as I'm aware zombies seem to start to spawn in (atleast on console) at around 300-400m, this is a problem or rather an advantage for someone who scopes out areas before they approach as they/i can instantly tell nobody is there. It's number 1, a huge advantage and number 2 it breaks immersion. Granted zombies could all be dead or trapped in a house, so it's not always guaranteed nobody is in the town you're looking at, however as far as i remember everytime I've not seen zombies in a town it's because nobody's within zombie spawn radius, it's just obvious.


This is just my first thought.

There should be occasions where zombies don't spawn in a town, or very very few so looking into a town and not seeing zombies isn't an instant sign no player is there.

Also there should be atleast 1 zombie visible beyond the standard spawn radius as scoping out a town and not seeing any zombies, only to get into town and it be over run by zeds is weird (also would help the main issue).

Edited by Robzom11

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Yes, this has been brought up many times. Same goes for near distance spawning.  It takes them considerable time to pop in and then they "shift" as you move around, so even an area which was clear from close distance will suddenly have zombies there. On populates servers I though that this is a sign that a player was there recently, but the pop in happens just the same on a private server with two players. And lastly, they respawn too quickly. So even if you clear an area you have few minutes until there are zombies again and again they will spawn in close proximity to you. This I would understand if there would be a lot of players in the area but again, it happens regardless. 

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