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Banned from US 85

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So my friends and I were in a lengthy firefight with the WarDrivers.net clan on us 85, the owners of the server we ended up killing about 4-5 of them and 3 of us dying, including what I thought was my own death.

My debug monitor had disappeared and I took a bullet to the head, I was in third person and i saw my character do a crazy swan dive death fall to the ground and stop moving, I wasn't unconscious and I was able to manipulate the menus but not move or anything so I figured I had glitched out on death so i just disconnected... As soon as I did my friends told me they never saw a death message so I logged back in else where to see what had happened.. I logged back in with 12000 blood, bleedin, and unconscious...

When I tried to go back to us 85... Their [WD]OneShotx clan leader and admin had banned me for DCing in PVP... It's right in their server message and i get that but, I never DC in combat, and i've killed and been killed by these WD guys many times. I don't feel like banning when I was obviously in some kind of glitched out purgatory between life and death is fair at all.

I'd normally switch servers without an issue but I have a stash and vehicles I don't want to sacrifice without a fight due to some admin's inflated sense of perceived e-honor in a video game.

Thanks for taking a look at this.

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I was told that the last time my friends killled OneShotX he immediately restarted the server or something to stop them from getting his gear, can't verify but sounds about right for Wardrivers..

I don't really care so much about playing on US 85 anymore but I am going to miss killing the Wd guys and of course my uaz.

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Was just looking for things related to our server and found this.

I roll with WD pretty much everyday and I must say we only band from server if we really do feel someone DCed in combat. Hell, one time we got attacked by what we found out later was a hacker and it took us 2 hours to decide whether or not banning him was a valid decision.

So if you get banned for DCin' in combat, it honestly really does mean when we shot you and you disappear, we check the log and if you dced alive your banned.

Also we do not shut down server to get gear, though because of the vast number of our members on the sever at once. We are in no way shady and I know there have been times where people would beg for our admin to spawn things and he refuses to. We really believe in being honest good players and ask others to do so "thus the no DC in combat" All you need to do if this ever happens again is to go to the wardrivers site and appeal the ban there. You must realize on our side all that happened is you got shot in the head and your body disapeared without a death message and when we checked who was logged in the server, you were not.

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We are in no way shady and I know there have been times where people would beg for our admin to spawn things and he refuses to. We really believe in being honest good players and ask others to do so "thus the no DC in combat"

Interesting, since as an administrator you can't spawn items.. ;\

Sounds like amateur PR.

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Hey, I just know what people have asked for. And regardless of what our admin can and can't do, he hasn't done the bad things that he can and can't do.

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I'll speak for every member when I say I understand the frustration. But this isn't the place to complain about being banned from US85. I sat in the teamspeak after that very firefight, one whom was involved as we sat and looked to see if you had either crashed, disconnected or died after the fact, because I shot you and was able to confirm to the 9 other people in channel that you had in fact been shot and soon after disappeared without a kill notification. I don't think you were going to survive an m24 to the dome. Period. No I do not agree without banning without proof, one act I managed to convince streak to start following. If you want an unban to get back into the server you take it up with Streak on our website. He was the one who decided to ban you, and is the only one that can revert it. We do not ban people for rediculous reasons, and will not lock a server nor restart it to preserve gear. We are not children, we don't care enough about the gear we have to make your life miserable and feed off your tears. Please understand that from our standpoint, you had disconnected from a firefight that you had just lost, an act we don't stand for. It isn't some e-honor or justice. Simply put, we don't do it, why should you? It is unfair to the poor sod that had to waste the bullet on you anyway, much less waste the bullet and it not produce a body. You wouldn't like it had I DC'ed when you killed me the first time, I didn't DC when you killed me the second. I am not accusing you of disconnecting, it is just how it appeared to be. But Streak and Oneshot are both reasonable old men, they wouldn't mind reverting back the Ban, they just don't want the people that play there to quit in PvP. It's as simple as that. I don't see what is wrong with that.

Best Regards,


I refuse to play on thier server cause i have had friends tell me of shady admin actions there.

To be fair' date=' the only shady actions we have every done on any server was roll into Kamenka with the Military offroad, take 12 guys and point guns at an unarmed player on the coast, drive him up the hill to the north, give him a gun, tons of medical supplies and send him on his way. Other than that, nothing shady comes to mind.


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I'll speak for every member when I say I understand the frustration. But this isn't the place to complain about being banned from US85. I sat in the teamspeak after that very firefight, one whom was involved as we sat and looked to see if you had either crashed, disconnected or died after the fact, because I shot you and was able to confirm to the 9 other people in channel that you had in fact been shot and soon after disappeared without a kill notification. I don't think you were going to survive an m24 to the dome. Period. No I do not agree without banning without proof, one act I managed to convince streak to start following. If you want an unban to get back into the server you take it up with Streak on our website. He was the one who decided to ban you, and is the only one that can revert it. We do not ban people for rediculous reasons, and will not lock a server nor restart it to preserve gear. We are not children, we don't care enough about the gear we have to make your life miserable and feed off your tears. Please understand that from our standpoint, you had disconnected from a firefight that you had just lost, an act we don't stand for. It isn't some e-honor or justice. Simply put, we don't do it, why should you? It is unfair to the poor sod that had to waste the bullet on you anyway, much less waste the bullet and it not produce a body. You wouldn't like it had I DC'ed when you killed me the first time, I didn't DC when you killed me the second. I am not accusing you of disconnecting, it is just how it appeared to be. But Streak and Oneshot are both reasonable old men, they wouldn't mind reverting back the Ban, they just don't want the people that play there to quit in PvP. It's as simple as that. I don't see what is wrong with that.

Best Regards,


To be fair, the only shady actions we have every done on any server was roll into Kamenka with the Military offroad, take 12 guys and point guns at an unarmed player on the coast, drive him up the hill to the north, give him a gun, tons of medical supplies and send him on his way. Other than that, nothing shady comes to mind.


As GrokAntipath said in his original post his Debug Monitor had disappeared. I can verify that this happens to me all the time. And when that happens a lot of in-game features stops working as well. If you get shot when it's gone you can't tell if you're dead or just unconscious as you wont see the hourglass. Just your body laying on the ground.

"If you want an unban to get back into the server you take it up with Streak on our website."

No, just no. You should never have to register on another site just to appeal a ban. We have this board for it, use it. Not sure if there's any rule against it though.

Edited by XAM

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But this isn't the place to complain about being banned from US85.

Yes.... yes it is the place to appeal a ban from a server. The rules state to not appeal global bans. So what sort of bans are you meant to appeal here?

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Well now that I have read all the posts in this thread let me give you my two cents. First off, YES in our MOTD it does say "If you DC in PVP you will be banned". MANY people have complained of not being able to loot a corpse due to these F$@#'s dc'n in PVP. It remains a problem that has yet to have a remedy. Not WD's fault. The only way to remedy this issue is to ban these types of people off the server as to make it an enjoyable one for the people who get the kill. Now Grok, first off, if you have an issue with me take it up on OUR forums. You did not receive a global ban, just one from our server. This was because you "seemed" to disconnect right after you were shot during PVP. If what you said is true, the only thing you had to do is post that in our forums and I would have invited you into our TS to discuss. If you do, shoot me an email @ OneShotX@wardrivers.net. Just to set the record straight about dc'n during PVP, our number 1 rule is "If a WD member is caught DC'n while engaged in PVP you will be asked to remove your tags and also asked not to come back!" This is something that WD holds true to and I would expect the same from the people who play on our server. Also KNOW THIS, I HAVE NEVER SHUT DOWN THE SERVER BECAUSE I OR ANYONE IN WD WAS KILLED FOR SOMEONE NOT TO GET LOOT!!! Period THE END! Grok I feel your pain bro, getting killed 3x in a row while trying to kill us in Cherno and losing your ghillie suit is tuff. But don't expect to take on 5 guys with a Makarov, the odds weren't in your favor. As for my "inflated sense of perceived e-honor in a video game"... lol, just don't DC and all is well. ;) I look forward to talking to you.

As for your comment Curgon, your name doesn't ring a bell at all. Perhaps knowing who "your friends" are might ring a bell. I would love to hear of the "SHADY ACTIONS" that go on, on our server. FYI: Myself and Streak are the only ones with access to the server at all. So if anything "Shady" is going on I think we would know of it. If shady things are going on look to the servers with passwords that have just members of the clan hosting the server online... now THATS SHADY! So please, either join us or don't, but please don't throw in your two cents if it doesn't add up.

XAM I understand what your saying but what happens when you shot someone and if you don't kill them right away, their body just disappears? Now mind you, this was during the patch. I know that the and 1.7.2 patch now have an issue with players that get killed bodies despawn right after. I don't recall this being the case with the patch...

Like I said before, we are trying to make the US85 WarDrivers server the best possible server to play a game that we all love. Some people make this VERY difficult to do. So certain actions had to be implemented in order to do so. It doesn't mean that it is in stone. We have found that most people that we banned never take the time to ask why, so we figure that they know EXACTLY WHY and find another server to dc in. Those that do, more often than not, are welcome back.

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XAM I understand what your saying but what happens when you shot someone and if you don't kill them right away, their body just disappears? Now mind you, this was during the patch. I know that the and 1.7.2 patch now have an issue with players that get killed bodies despawn right after. I don't recall this being the case with the patch...

How is that relevant to what I said about the debug monitor disappearing? I never said anything about bodies despawning. What I said was that you can't tell if you're dead or alive when you've been shoot if you're debug monitor has disappeared due to this bug. Here's why:

  • You can't see how much blood you have.
  • You wont see any hourglass if you're unconscious.
  • If you really are dead, you wont see the death screen.
  • The only thing you will see despite what happens is your body on the ground, nothing else.

This bug was not new to either, it's been happening before it.

Here's my bug report about the "DEBUG MONITOR DISAPPEARING" bug: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28722-debug-monitor-disappearing-randomly-while-playing/

And also this:

- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

Source http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1251-want-to-host-a-dayz-server-read-in-here/

Edited by XAM

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How is that relevant to what I said about the debug monitor disappearing? I never said anything about bodies despawning. What I said was that you can't tell if you're dead or alive when you've been shoot if you're debug monitor has disappeared due to this bug. Here's why:

  • You can't see how much blood you have.
  • You wont see any hourglass if you're unconscious.
  • If you really are dead, you wont see the death screen.
  • The only thing you will see despite what happens is your body on the ground, nothing else.

This bug was not new to either, it's been happening before it.

Here's my bug report about the "DEBUG MONITOR DISAPPEARING" bug: http://dayzmod.com/f...-while-playing/

And also this:

- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

Source http://dayzmod.com/f...r-read-in-here/

I was asking you not stating a fact. In reference to you pointing me to rockets post on reasons to ban...he should update it! It is a known issue with people dc'n and has yet to dealt with. I am not the only admin doing this to servers WE pay for so we (clan members and pubbers alike) can enjoy our playing time.

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I was asking you not stating a fact. In reference to you pointing me to rockets post on reasons to ban...he should update it! It is a known issue with people dc'n and has yet to dealt with. I am not the only admin doing this to servers WE pay for so we (clan members and pubbers alike) can enjoy our playing time.

I agree with PVP D/C being a huge problem and they are working on a solution and I'm not defending them. But what the guy in this topic experienced was not a PVP D/C. He didn't know if he was dead or not, and he did what anyone else would have done. Reconnected due to a glitch. I've done this as well without even knowing if I was still alive. This is an alpha version of a mod, there are bugs. People shouldn't get banned for something caused by a bug.

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I agree with PVP D/C being a huge problem and they are working on a solution and I'm not defending them. But what the guy in this topic experienced was not a PVP D/C. He didn't know if he was dead or not, and he did what anyone else would have done. Reconnected due to a glitch. I've done this as well without even knowing if I was still alive. This is an alpha version of a mod, there are bugs. People shouldn't get banned for something caused by a bug.

If that was the case then he should of just got in contact with either myself or Streak to get this resolved. I can only see what I see...

But any case does this sound like a guy who was having issues with a mod...

GrokAntipathy: Hey guys... Was a pleasure wiping out your group of 7 on the 29th... Loads of fun with your M107... Killed 13 people in Chern before you took it back..... Although you didn't have it on you after I tracked you guys down at Balota airfield and murdered the three of you again... sad.png can i haz plz? I think i earned it.

Pwnstarlol: @Grak: Was fun following and murdering your group over 10 times also. Have fun getting raped with a m107, nub. l2play plz

GrokAntipathy: 1. I haven't died to an m107... You died to one though.... haha... And so didn't like 4 others. I don' have a group and i've only died twice for about 12+ kills on you and the [WD] guys... Sooooo... Okay.. I'm not done killing you yet, you still haven't learned your lesson from the supermarket apparently...

This was his reply to what happened via our shout box on our site... I'm not seeing anywhere here about his so called "Issues"...

You can read the shout box yourself at www.wardrivers.net


Edited by -WD- OneShotX

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If that was the case then he should of just got in contact with either myself or Streak to get this resolved. I can only see what I see...

But any case does this sound like a guy who was having issues with a mod...

GrokAntipathy: Hey guys... Was a pleasure wiping out your group of 7 on the 29th... Loads of fun with your M107... Killed 13 people in Chern before you took it back..... Although you didn't have it on you after I tracked you guys down at Balota airfield and murdered the three of you again... sad.png can i haz plz? I think i earned it.

Pwnstarlol: @Grak: Was fun following and murdering your group over 10 times also. Have fun getting raped with a m107, nub. l2play plz

GrokAntipathy: 1. I haven't died to an m107... You died to one though.... haha... And so didn't like 4 others. I don' have a group and i've only died twice for about 12+ kills on you and the [WD] guys... Sooooo... Okay.. I'm not done killing you yet, you still haven't learned your lesson from the supermarket apparently...

This was his reply to what happened via our shout box on our site... I'm not seeing anywhere here about his so called "Issues"...

You can read the shout box yourself at www.wardrivers.net


He is clearly stating it in this thread. That should be enough.

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He is clearly stating it in this thread. That should be enough.

Maybe in Sweden, but in the U.S., what he did in the shout box is called trolling and what he did (6 days after the ban with this thread) is called bitching about it. But like I said and will say again, he is more then welcome to visit our TS and tell me all about it.


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Maybe in Sweden, but in the U.S., what he did in the shout box is called trolling and what he did (6 days after the ban with this thread) is called bitching about it. But like I said and will say again, he is more then welcome to visit our TS and tell me all about it.


The reason I didn't comment about the shoutbox was because it didn't break any DayZ rules.

Glad to hear your willing to sort it out :)

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i have also heard many things about this server, not reccomended if you ask me

LOL, I love how they say "I have heard many things" ... I would love to hear them, my curiosity is just killing me!

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Say what you want. Onshot and I work day and night to make the server run good and play well. Yes at times we have banned players who DC all the time in PvP. If it was by mistake.... Real easy fix. Go to www.Wardrivers.net and make a post in the BAN APPEAL. You will see we have lifted bans in the past for this reason. http://wardrivers.ne...99&Itemid=166�� If we cannot Temp ban players that DC in PvP all the time.... Then how can we tell our members not to do that?

We have had people in the past come on the forums here and say that WE "[WD]" DC in PvP. Made a huge deal out of it..... So the few members that where doing it... We told them to stop or get kicked out of [WD]. So if Temp Banning people for DCing in PvP is not allowed, Then I will inform everyone and we will play the same stupid game with Dcing in PVP..... witch would just defeat the purpose of the game.

Edited by Streak

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I would like to know why the entire server population was killed by the admin of this server. And then the server was jerked offline right afterwards. Some shady shady dealings going on...

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I would like to know why the entire server population was killed by the admin of this server. And then the server was jerked offline right afterwards. Some shady shady dealings going on...

OK, first off admins cannot "KILL" people. They can kick and ban and that's about it, as far as I know. If the ENTIRE population of the server was killed that pretty much means that the server was hacked. If our server is known to have a hacker on it we try to discover who it is, then shut down the server, review the logs and ban whoever the jerkoff was. So please, before you post a STUPID ASS comment like you did Kontainment, think about what you are say before you make yourself look like arse!

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I would like to know why the entire server population was killed by the admin of this server. And then the server was jerked offline right afterwards. Some shady shady dealings going on...

-1 for lack of logic.

Before you call people out, do some research. You just make yourself seem like a brainless idiot who rages out on everything.

Please, jump off a bridge so we can preserve what's left of the gene pool.

Edited by Pwnstarlol
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