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Banditry and co-operation.

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Yes...another one of THESE threads. Keep reading...

So a lot of us think that bandits need to be punished somehow to discourage murder. I agree...sort of. I think there should be a drawback to killing another player but not one that would completely discourage it. After talking this over last night with another player (you know who you are, chime in if you wish) who stated that we should instead encourage co-operation, it got me thinking. A little of both?

I remember playing ArmA a lot before this mod. Most servers would have objectives in the form of retaking each town one at a time by killing or disarming all of the enemy in said town. This yielded rewards to the players. The towns could also be retaken by the enemy over time. This gave a chance for the players to go back and do it again. Why not for DayZ?

Perhaps add in a mission system where players can work together to rid a town entirely of zombies. Instead of just surviving we are now working to rid the infected from a town and retake it. Allow the zombies to repopulate the town over time as well. Put in A LOT MORE zombies in each town to encourage players to work together more as going solo would be a lot harder the more zombies there are. Once the objective is completed the players within a radius of the town are rewarded in some form. This could be a chest full of special gear that only the survivors that helped out can access or perhaps some sort of monetary system that could be used to buy gear from a shop or something.

Just a rough idea that can be tweaked.

As for the banditry. I personally think the only thing that should be done would be to make the bandits have a slightly harder time sneaking around from zombies with the more survivors they kill. Another thread explained a system in which they would be tainted with the blood of the innocents they killed thus attracting zombies easier. I think that this combined with the idea above would be all that is needed to disway banditry but not completely nerf it. Also...killing a bandit would also effect the survivor in the same way. No need to play favorites on this.

Please discuss.

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Make your own missions.

It sounds like you've already got your first: punish bandits.

Go do it.

Nothing is stopping you.

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I did read it. This isn't WoW. We're not going to have quests or missions or NPCs and we're sure as shit not dropping magical loot boxes from the sky just for killing some zombies.

Make your own missions.

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Uh huh...so your argument is "this isn't WoW". Whatever...move along. You obviously haven't every played ArmA before the DayZ mod.

Missions would be contestable. People can still kill each other for the victory of clearing the town. People can still kill the player that looted the reward as well. There wouldn't be a leveling system and death is still a permanant loss of all your gear. Yes...that sounds exactly like WoW...

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Uh huh...so your argument is "this isn't WoW". Whatever...move along. You obviously haven't every played ArmA before the DayZ mod.

This isn't ARMA. It's DayZ.

And yes, in this case, the "it's not WoW' argument applies. You seriously want loot falling from the sky in DayZ because you "completed a quest?"

Come on. Get serious. Literally.

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Uh huh...so your argument is "this isn't WoW". Whatever...move along. You obviously haven't every played ArmA before the DayZ mod.

This isn't ARMA. It's DayZ.

And yes' date=' in this case, the "it's not WoW' argument applies. You seriously want loot falling from the sky in DayZ because you "completed a quest?"

Come on. Get serious. Literally.


Who said anything about loot falling from the sky? Do you just make up imaginary words in your head while reading? That's the only explanation I have for you.

You mock my thread but you make a thread called "Player Identification and Classification System"? Really? This isn't WoW.

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I think the concept is sound, but creating objectives for the player other than survival really takes away from the core of a game like this.

What you describe already happens naturally, bandits group together and cause havok for others, people pissed at the bandits band together to fight back.

The main aspect lacking in this game (far as I know) is the ability for organization and communication in game. This is easily done through things like ventrilo or teamspeak, but if the game supported this banding together I think what you described would happen naturally and more often.

Another shortfall in grouping with other players is how difficult it is to identify your friendlies from stranger / enemies. A gang/club/group could be formed in game to give all players a similar colored stripe on a skin making different groups in a specific server recognizable and create more of a community in server. But this all goes against the concept of non server bound RPG that you can play in different servers with different group structures etc.

Just rambling anyway.

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Who said anything about loot falling from the sky?

Once the objective is completed the players within a radius of the town are rewarded in some form. This could be a chest full of special gear that only the survivors that helped out can access

Okay' date=' so if it doesn't fall from the sky, where does this magical chest come from, and how do you restrict access to only those who have completed the "quest"? Does it grow out of the ground? Do keys magically appear in everyone's inventory?

What if I murder someone who has a key? Do I get access now? If not, why not?

Too much magical hooey-phooey. Sorry. It's just not going to work in Dayz.

You mock my thread but you make a thread called "Player Identification and Classification System"? Really? This isn't WoW.

That critique makes absolutely no sense. Did you even read the thread in question?

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I am going to side with Vertisce on this.

Zed this is the suggestion forum, the intention of your first post obviously was against his idea.

2 Problems with this, one be straight forward next time instead of giving said person a chance at thinking you don't understand their idea completely, aswell instead of just shooting their idea down, try to make more sense out of it.


There are no missions added to Dayz, but instead added a new town functionality.

Towns(not all but most large ones) will have buildings that have supplies that respawns every set amount of time.

To enter these buildings you need to breach them, you could try it alone, but inside these buildings are zombies that are able to run indoors, as well as when breaching you will make noise comparable to an enfield, so you will need to clear the area.

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"Make your own missions" I slightly agree with that but there is no system for something like this at the moment, I personally want to see a system that if you kill all the zombies in the area, they will only spawn on outskirts of the town rather than just not in the immediate vicinity. I think that'd effectively solve both sides of this argument.

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The idea is that not EVERY town will be an objective town...at least not at the same time. In ArmA there is usually one town that is the current objective and another location is a side mission. Obviously they are optional. There is still plenty to do in the rest of the towns normally. The idea is to give a "reason" to band together and accomplish something other than just getting together to run around and maybe kill a person or two. The only reason I would partner up with someone in a real world scenario is either because I am lonely or I NEED that person to survive. As it is I don't NEED anybody in DayZ to survive...I can do that on my own relatively well. But it gets boring and lonely with nobody to talk to other than my pet rock. Missions or objectives would change that, especially if the work required to re-capture a town was a lot more difficult for just one person to do. Im not saying make it impossible. Soloing the zombie hoard should be doable but obviously having friends makes it easier.

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The problem is how you say it, you say it as if you were being assigned an objective to take over the town through the map or some such part of the game.

Instead say adding more areas suited to groups.

I.E Specific buildings in towns with hoard of zombies able to run indoors aswell only able to be opened via breaching.

Said buildings will be barricaded but have cracks, which allow you to look inside to see there are items in there to discover.

Perhaps all current buildings unable to be entered will be chosen at random every server restart and you have to search to see which ones are the ones holding the loot so you can breach.

Basically it is not objectives or missions at this point, but new tasks added to list of things you could potentially do, but these new tasks will generally require a group, but not due to actual bodies needed to perform that task, but instead the difficulty of said task.

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Sorry...I am working under the assumption that most people have at least played vanilla ArmA before and know of what I am referring.

The mission objective is out there and anybody is able to work towards completing it but it is not by any means a requirement to do.

I like the idea of barricades by the way. They kind of exist already but being able to board up a door and windows would be better.

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Here are some things when dealing with the general populace of Dayz.

1. They have not played anything other than Dayz when it comes to Arma 2.

2. They all believe murdering others is part of the game(even at the extreme it is now) and should not have a negative when killing another player, for whatever reason.

3. Most do not see it as an alpha game, even when told so, they would deny changes that affect the current way they play because they are selfish regardless of the potential the changes can have in the future.

Well thats from what I have seen so far.

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1. If you have not played ArmA 2, I recommend you do so. At least give it a try. DayZ while far and above the best mod thus far (in my opinion) is quite a different experience from mods such as A.C.E or Project Reality. ArmA has a very extensive system for lighting effects that you can't quite experience in DayZ right off. The ambiance and surrealism of ArmA can on many occasions be quite addicting and extremely fun.

2. Murdering others IS part of DayZ but it is still a game and because of this the murder is rampant and ruining the experience for many others who want to play DayZ for what it is. A survival mod...not a murder mod.

3. They would be wrong. This is an alpha of a mod. Pure and simple. This means lots of bugs and lots of work to be done. Most of the time you don't even play a game in Alpha...you wait until Beta. There are going to be a LOT of changes and not everybody is going to like every single change made.

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For whatever reason I got off on the wrong foot in arma by trying to train in armory, died every time as it seems I had it set on highest difficulty and did not know how to change it.

Good training though when your ready for it.

As for murders, I like murders, but not to the extreme it is at the moment, aswell with these people defending it like its ok, makes me sick they think like this.

But alas this is what you have to deal with when suggesting anything on this forums to the community.

You gonna have to make changes to make them understand until you get everyone on board and try to get rocket's attention.

It will be harder then trying to play a successful game of hide and seek unarmed with a ghillie suit with random people you meet ingame.

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