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Waiting for Server Response

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So I have problems with connecting to any server at all. I load everything and get to the waiting for server response screen and thats where I get stuck. I have done absolutely everything including redownloading both Arma 2 and Arma OA. I have redownloaded Day Z files and even tried going back to the previous version. There was one time after 45 minutes that I actually spawned but when I spawned I was in some forest and my character was invisible and I was unable to move or look around. IS THERE ANY SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM???

I finally spawned and am able to move but now I have none of the pictures showing my hunger or thirst....

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Yeah, I seem to be having the same issue. I was in one server and got DC'd, tried joining another and was unable to get in. Tried a third time and got the same thing.

Finally gave up and came to the forums.

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Same problem here. Got on once, DC'd, and now can no longer get past Waiting for Server response.

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Same problem here. I kinda spawned but it's frozen on this screen with arrows in the middle of the left and right side of the screen and I can't look around, move, or do anything. No ambient noises or anything moving. Chat is working fine, though... This all happened after I was stuck on "waiting for server response" for over 15 minutes after I got "session lost" from a different server. All servers are doing this at the moment.

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same problem here. it's either that or the "receiving..." one.

getting too frustrating. there's like NOTHING to find on the forums that helps.

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Same problem here. I got into a server that had 30 ping, but it was too dark, so I tried some other ones, still can't.

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The going theory is that the game server your trying to connect to, lost its connection to the character server and is unable to restore it. Generally its fixed on next server restart (which usually happen every few hours), but it is really annoying, and unfortunatly, i have yet to see anything the player can do to fix it (other than hoping the server restart).

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Haven't been able to join any servers for most of the day because of this.

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