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Uncle Zed

Connecting failed, An unknown error has occured

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I've been running DayZ servers off and on for a while. I have a new server I just recently put online. Another player and I are having an issue. If I use DZSALauncher, most of the time, I can't connect to the server and I get an error that says "Connecting failed" "An unknown error has occured", which is displayed on the main menu of DayZ. I always know when I'm going to get this because the loading bar at the bottom of the loading screen loads all the way. When I'm going to connect, this bar never makes it all the way across and instead I get the notification that I'm spawning in "in X seconds".

I uninstalled DZSALauncher and reinstalled it and I got in the first time, but a couple hours later, no luck. Most of the time I'm getting in with the regular launcher without any issues. The other player can't get in with either. The rcon program doesn't show us connecting when this happens, which tells me that the server isn't rejecting the connection, but instead we're simply not able to reach the server when we get this error.

Any suggestions? Anyone else have this problem?

Edited by Uncle Zed

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It appears to be a problem with the steam port not being let through my computers firewall. All resolved. 

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