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Ridding the coast of griefers with benefits to bandits... Also, Zombies.

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Let me preface this by saying: if you're on the coast killing people for sport you're not skilled as you think and you're breaking the game. You're the bane of this mod, and honestly, you're kinda stupid.

You, coast griefer, are a loser. You're life is so broken you have nothing better to do than to ruin other's fun as easily and quickly as possible.

That being said...

If you hang in the north, rebuild vehicles, set up camps, kill zombies, and guard high end loot spawns killing anyone "stealing your" item drops you might just be a real bandit with some actual chops to show.


The person with the most zombie kills and the longest life while living in the north is the most skilled. Hands down. If you have any real talent you leave the coast for good save for that occasional hospital visit.

Fact is, there aren't enough real bandits out there.

This is why I propose a time wait of one hour on pvp for all newly spawned players.

Quite simply what that means is all newly spawned players would have to wait one hour before they could shoot, or be shot by another player. This could be marked in some way to show others who's new and who's not.

The benefits of this feature would go both ways.

For survivors:

The elimination of coast griefing as a thing. Gives the chance for new players to learn the actual game.

For bandits:

This actually would benefit you the most. Now when you kill someone it will actually count for something. Survivors heading north will be armed, which means you could actually boast skill for those murder counts, and they'll probably have something you need (food, water, ammo, gear). Best of all, they won't be able to return quickly to exact revenge which means you're safer to loot their bodies and change positions.

I'd like to note: I do not need this. This is not a suggestion to help me out. If I'm ever killed on the coast I simply respawn until I'm close, find the nearest axe, and slice the motherfucker down. Then I simply switch servers so he can't do the same (because fuck you).

However, had I not started playing DayZ until after this recent patch I'd probably have quit after 3 days instead of getting 7 friends to join the game also.

Imagine what that means to Bohemia Interactive:

$30 to play and I quit after a few days of frustration and either speak negatively of it, or not at all.


$30 to play and I love it, recommending it highly equaling $210 more in sales plus long term support plus we will all likely move to Arma 3 if the mod takes off well enough equaling even more sales. Not to mention the discussion of paying for severs...I got a map...it goes on.

See the difference? And I know this applies to many others as well.

Coast griefers should get bans based on this fact alone. They're sucking the soul right out of this project.



Zombies need to be harder. Way, way, way, way, harder. Hits should deal 200-450 damage instead of the puny 80-100 they're doing now. Bleeding should start being possible under 9000 blood, broken bones under 4500.

I'd also like to see more of them in random areas and the main cities (the ones with hospitals and/or military drops).

Perhaps lower their vision, the increased number will balance this.

People should sometimes have to regret taking that shot. Melee should take a front seat. (Bayonets? Duct tape + Rifle + Hunting Knife?)

And can we please have the ability to struggle and throw back zombies off of us or push them out of the way? Maybe throw a few punches?

I feel if all these were implemented together they would offer much balance to the game... I hope others do as well.

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No. I refuse to have a timer like that. That would kill realism. If you consistently have that problem with griefers, switch servers. And a lot of these so called "bandits" you're seeing are actually just jumpy little noobs with more bullets than balls.

And your suggestion on zombies is sort of the opposite of community opinion and developer opinion.

They want to expand vision and keep damage the same. But yes, perhaps more numbers.

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Never going to happen. Rocket has many times talked about the authenticity of the gaming experience DayZ offers. Adding artificial immunity timers, artificial penalties for killing etc. are a no-go. He has stated this clearly, so there really is no point in bringing this up.

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I wont even give you the satisfaction of reading the rest of your post. Stop insulting people because they have fun with PvP.

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Never going to happen. Rocket has many times talked about the authenticity of the gaming experience DayZ offers. Adding artificial immunity timers' date=' artificial penalties for killing etc. are a no-go. He has stated this clearly, so there really is no point in bringing this up.


Care to share a link to that? Not that it would matter. People change their minds when new information becomes available.

I wont even give you the satisfaction of reading the rest of your post. Stop insulting people because they have fun with PvP.

Clearly you must be one of the losers I was speaking of... Stop acting like your idea of fun is somehow superior and anything to suggest otherwise is instantly bad. People call it GRIEFing for a reason. Your a bully on the beach kicking sandcastles.

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To be perfectly honest, since people have stopped spawning in with a lot of good stuff I haven't been griefed on the coast at all. Heck, last time I was I killed him first anyway. Hah.

I don't think this needs changing, certainly not with anything as clunky as spawn protection. If you were to do anything all I would suggest is that you have some system for increasing zombie attention the longer a player is in one place so that they can't snipe camp elektro as easily.

Heres how it would work.

Currently when you shoot every zombie in 100m (to pull an number out my arse) comes running. Every zombie 100-300m away gets curious and comes walking. A simple idea is that for the first shot that is true. Then the second shot the number is 120 and 350. Then 140 and 400. Then 160 and 450. The longer a person camps in an area the more zombies are heading towards them. Either then they have to deal with a lot of zombies or players get an obvious sign where the camper is or they move forsaking their best spot for a while, again giving players a chance to spot them.

Stays reasonably realistic, the mechanic isn't in your face and half the code is already there.

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To be perfectly honest' date=' since people have stopped spawning in with a lot of good stuff I haven't been griefed on the coast at all. Heck, last time I was I killed him first anyway. Hah.

I don't think this needs changing, certainly not with anything as clunky as spawn protection. If you were to do anything all I would suggest is that you have some system for increasing zombie attention the longer a player is in one place so that they can't snipe camp elektro as easily.

Heres how it would work.

Currently when you shoot every zombie in 100m (to pull an number out my arse) comes running. Every zombie 100-300m away gets curious and comes walking. A simple idea is that for the first shot that is true. Then the second shot the number is 120 and 350. Then 140 and 400. Then 160 and 450. The longer a person camps in an area the more zombies are heading towards them. Either then they have to deal with a lot of zombies or players get an obvious sign where the camper is or they move forsaking their best spot for a while, again giving players a chance to spot them.

Stays reasonably realistic, the mechanic isn't in your face and half the code is already there.


People already change positions to avoid zombie aggro. Nothing would change. The field of vision is massive in most areas and scopes see far.

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