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My new friend is a hacker.

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He found my base, consisting of a car and wooden boxes in the dense forest in the south. That could have been a coincidence.  But I think he gave himself away by replacing my assault boots in a wooden box with Bambie sport shoes that were "pristine"! My base is located somewhere in the southern forests. The Bambie shoes should have been at least " worn" status. I think he teleported there directly. He stole my car and some items from my wooden crates that seemed important to him. 

My new friend is funny, too. I had all the wooden boxes moved and also buried. Because of higher grass I could not recognize them from a short distance. Again he found all the wooden boxes and dug them up, left them there and took some utensils with him.  With this he makes me understand that it is not worthwhile to bury the crates, because he will find them anyway. Boots were also replaced by simple shoes again.  He doesn't take everything, but only the useful items, because he is too lazy to go looking for them himself after a death. 

I always wonder why I often find empty wooden crates outside of seemingly abandoned bases during my hikes. Nobody leaves wooden crates lying there unburied. But hackers also find the buried wooden crates. 

I have now hidden my crates somewhere else once again. If he finds them again, I won't use any more crates either. I have already given up cars, because first of all driving is the absolute torture and secondly they are found quickly.  Well, then there's not much more to do than to play the game as death match. 

But I have not seen my new friend yet. 

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The developers of the game are the hackers themselves. I have received confirmation of this today. I have really good hiding places. However, yesterday I found out that a hacker has stolen items from my boxes again, even though it was impossible to find them! I therefore moved yesterday.  I hid all the crates somewhere else in a 2 km distance by car. And only a few hours later the car is gone and a whole lot of the items. On a server with only a handful of players!

I would like to warn everyone and ask them not to invest more time in this game! This game belongs on the scrap heap!


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