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Hacker on PUBLIC Dayz US server (teleporter)

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playing on US 3664263 (Public) just now (about 6PM EST) and got killed by a teleporter.  he was moving so fast back and forth there was no way for me to return fire and defend myself so i attempted to run and log off in the trees where he ended up killing me with 1 second left on the log off.

is it even worth reporting so the devs can try and fix this shit?

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Bohemia doesn't give a shit. The Battleye Devs clearly can't outcode the hackers. Only solution at this point is to boycott the official servers. You can't set up a base or camp anywhere, no matter how well hidden without it being raided within a day or 2. Looting and building up characters is pointless when you just get killed by ghosts. Let the Vanilla servers die.

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Check this site out: [snip]

[sniiip] Why the fuck won't Bohemia take a similar approach towards these bastards developing these hacks? They are making money off exploiting your product which I'm sure is costing Bohemia money when potential customers decide not to buy DayZ because hackers are ruining it. This is all patehtic af. I've only been playing DayZ for 2 months and am already on the verge of quitting because of this. I would advise anyone considering buying the game not to until something is done about these hackers. And I don't tell us to go play modded servers. WE DON'T WANT TO.

Edited by hyper_goon

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Another one of these threads... Vanilla Community Servers FTW!

  • Beans 1

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sorry i didnt mean to pile on to the "hackers on public servers" threads...kinda posted it in a fit of frustration and then saw how bad others have had it too on public....i'm officially done playing on public as someone mentioned...its pointless when your work goes down the drain when one hacker prick decides to fuck with you.  the reason i was playing on this particular public server was the fact that it always had good pop, very low ping for me and its nice to take a break to play vanilla settings from time to time.  Cars worked pretty well in there due to the moderate server pop and good ping.  was having a good time until that happened.  its a shame because it will turn a lot of new people away.

i'll stick to whitelisted servers like DUG.  Thanks for nothing Bohemia.

Edited by mjf6866

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