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Can more melee weapons be added?

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First, a disclaimer:

-Alpha is Alpha, etc.

-I understand the reason for the most recent patch to remove the starting gun. I agree with it, too. Starting a new player off with resources such as ammo, was too easily taken advantage of by other players.

-I also understand that learning to move quietly and undetected is a very useful skill for a player to realize.

With that out of the way, I just wanted to put this out there, I think given that we have the theme of Zombie apocalypse, there should be more melee weapons in the game:

-Baseball bat





All we have currently is the hatchet, which is okay, and the crowbar which doesn't even work, from what I hear.

It's one thing to make new players start with no guns, but it's a bit silly to say that in the search for a proper weapon, you wouldn't pick up a random blunt instrument to at least try to defend yourself with? Really? Think about it.


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I completely agree. I got my start with this game just after the patch that removed the starting gun. I have no reference for how easier that would have made starting, but, what I can say is that I agree that it was done and makes the game much much more challenging.

What I do not agree with is the lack of Melee weapons as you have pointed out. If the point of this game is realism, then the first thing a survivor would do when seeing a zombie is find something to defend oneself with.

Hell....even a push or fist fight function would be useful.

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Hatchets are one hit kills, and are the most common thing in the game IMO. I dont think we really need more melee weapons.

Unless we could find smaller ones that would fill a seperate melee slot, for quite takedowns without needing to get rid of your primary, that would be nice.

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Not sure if it has been officially stated but i'd guess it just comes to adding new 3d models now so yea its possible.

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