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count_in_hoarder="1" You will never find an M4

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I'm sure this is brought up a lot but it can't be stressed enough. .

So I logged in to an official Cherno server for the first time in at least 3 months and dug up my sea chest with an AKM and an M4 in it. This is why you're not finding military rifles.  This is why no one bothers with military bases.  This is why you're being farmed as a freshie by people in full kit on the coast. This is a bit absurd, don't you think? They don't despawn in 45 days and even if they did it is still a huge deterrent from playing on official servers. I alone took 1/4 of each of these rifles out of the economy on that server since before Thanksgiving. I'm sure I'm not the only one by far. So why even play vanilla servers with this rule in place? End game loot is never going to spawn again there.

Its an easy thing to change or mod on your own server if you're the admin. But the most populated servers are public with this function in place so that's where people gravitate, to where the action is. With nothing but Mosins and shotguns. ..

This is just the M4, AKM, AK74, AK101 etc.   Forget a VSD.  One person can make this rifle cease to exist on your server forever.  You will literally never find loot above T2 on an official server. Its buried in some sea chest or eternity and removed from the economy by someone who will probably never play this game again.  

If your goal is elite loot, get off of official servers because it no longer exists there.

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