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rocket & team: When you fix disconnect exploits, do NOT announce it

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Just make it so duping results in shit loot.

Not just shit loot.

Guns that explode when you fire them.

Magazines with blanks.

Tents that catch fire randomly after 48 hours.

NVGs that blind you. Permanently.

This is stupid. Rocket has said many times he doesn't want to punish exploiters with arbitrary "game" type punishments, like stat modifiers. Are you just mad some disconnector got the better of you? If you get killed by some guy who disconnects, leaves you a huge opening to get away, and still die, I feel he outsmarted you.

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I heartily endorse the OP's idea.

BTW I dont DC (I actually run or shoot my zombie train, god those zombie noises for 5 minutes while trying to find a hill or building are annoying)

So guess everyone agree patch notes are bad... rocket no more patch notes just release new versions with no info as what has changed.

For an Alpha perhaps this is a good idea. Let people figure stuff out and stops people RAGING!!!!!!! at small changes that wernt going to be a problem

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A ten-fifteen second delay before actually disconnecting wouldn't punish people disconnecting for technical reasons but would kill people trying to abuse it.

Thats been discussed endlessly in many threads about it. Its been deemed imperfect.

Christ its you again with your 'If this solution doesn't fix the problem 100% its not worth it.' philosophy.

I don't see you offering up alternatives.

You seem to have missed most of my posts in the suggestions forum then. As well as not actually reading the posts of mine you have seen' date=' cos i generally point out people are looking at the wrong damn things.


Chard' pid='255915' dateline='1341526140']


And while you're at it' date=' please just remove all of the NVG's, GPS's, Ghillie suits and other high end equipment that everyone is running around with as a result of either duping or farming or someone who has. Replace them with mountain dew or something...


Actually suggested this a few times. Get cried at mostly, mind you i am suggesting removing NVGs/thermal scopes entirely and high end mil loot being restricted, so i get raged at too. Mostly by those that see having such an overpowered loot that has a massively negative effect on the game as 'endgame loot'.

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The whole point of making it a public alpha is so that people will find and use the exploits.

Find? Yes.

Use? No.

The exploit has been found' date=' reported, documented, researched and thoroughly explained.

Don't act like people are still doing the team a favor by using it over and over again hundreds of times a day. Like your 500th ALT-F4 is somehow going to reveal something about the exploit we didn't know on your 5th or 50th...


Well, they are doing the team a favour by using it multiple times. In testing this I'd want to see what happens when multiple people do things multiple times. When a fix for this is delivered, we should all try to disconnect to avoid death, and try it multiple times.

This being said, as a bad tester I haven't tried using this exploit myself :-/

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They'd be ignorantly exclaiming that they're part of the scum in the game and would be received like that. It's wonderful.

You are just showing what happens when people overzealously want a thing "fixed". How would you differentiate between "combat-loggers" and people that were affected? ... With your attitude everyone who protests for being punished is a combat-logger. And as there are only DCers that whine in the forums the problem is solved 100% with 0% drive-by-victims, right?


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It might be time to resurrect this thread since I sense a fix coming very soon. ;)

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great idea,

there is not really a need to think of unjustified punishments in some cases. if there is a way to hit maybe 75% of exploiters, there might be some that really had problems oder DCed because of hardware failure...

but, who cares

i played several hours yesterday, got some nice loot and even found a mp5sd, i ran around some minutes and then got bored of night, logged off in the woods near berezino, changing to a daylight server with better ping.

after the loading screen was confused, because it said petrovka, then i saw i had no backpack and no weapons so i checked my geard. i had only akm ammo and some cans left. changed to two other servers, same situation - i got alpha'd ;) i ran into a groups of zombies, so at least they have something to eat and will now going to start my next try

with an anti-exploit system this could have been like - oh, you DCed near military tents and want to loot them again? too bad - or, oh bug, too bad

as time goes by, the exploit detection will surely become better, so why not test such things in alpha ;)

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I like this a lot! :D

But I can't help think some people will post it all over the forums when they find out :P

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Bad Idea....

The ALT +F4'ers getting killed after they close the game and realise there dead = rage = more topics about how bugs killed them.

This will result in more work for the DayZ Staff while there supposed to bring up updates.

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Bad Idea....

The ALT +F4'ers getting killed after they close the game and realise there dead = rage = more topics about how bugs killed them.

This will result in more work for the DayZ Staff while there supposed to bring up updates.

and how are they gonna explain it? yes it might result in many posts, but it will take a day or 2 and the posts will stop because they will start to realize they have been kiddies, they might make a topic, but does it really bother you that much lol? its topics on a forum, there are so many other things in life to be annoyed about.

didnt you know that you should probably think after making a post? most people dont do that anymore, they just post, its actually those people who are holding up the dayz company with their no's to the dev's ideas or other peoples good ideas aswell.

Edited by Zyfer

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i'm pretty cool with this idea. I was a victim of dc'ers twice yesterday, meaning they disappeared when i murdered them fair and square.

I love how I have sympathy for you because you didn't get to cleanly murder those two.

I love this game.

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lets be honest here, when comparing dc exploiters to ppl who script, dupe, and hack, people who dc exploit arnt THAT bad..

when i see people complain that they shot someone and clearly saw them alt+f4 (their corpse disapeared) i can only play the worlds smallest violin for them. You tried to grief/shoot on sight someone and take their stuff and they denied you... cry me a river.

I have done the same thing; shoot someone, knock them out and have had them dc. When it happens I dont get mad though, because it makes sense that most people in that situation would do the same thing. I griefed him, and I am crying that he didnt let me do it? lol seriously....

EDIT: that being said I do still agree with the OP's suggestion...

its like a big bully in the school yard beating up a little kid, and the little kid happens to have a big brother that pummels the bully... so the bully calls no fair?

thats what im seeing here.

Edited by Dronax

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