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Avean (DayZ)

Securing bases without imbalancing gameplay

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Considering the amount of time it takes to get resources in this game it needs a 100% secure base system for your stuff. Basicly if you set up some sort of wall/fence nobody but you can unlock it.

That means you should only be able to place walls/fences in the same areas as tents basicly, so people cant abuse it to wall of actual places.

Although the map in DayZ is incredibly big its not big enough for 50 players to NOT find your base.

Right now you can set up 50 fences with sandbags but players will just disconnect, go to another server, go inside your base, disconnect and go back to your server and loot all your stuff. That means 20-30 hours wasted for the person.

So only letting us have a small place, kinda like a tent, or maybe just make tents lockable. So it can only be unlocked by the owner.

This would not destroy any excitement of the game, but it would increase peoples interest so people would work hard to setup theyre secure base so they actually have a future in case they die. Imagine having the best sidearm in the game with the best primary and youve worked hard in repairing a vehicle and transporting it safely, setting up a secure camp. Then having it looted and you get killed and have to start with nothing. Its just too brutal.

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Inb4 shit storm.

The idea is that there is constant danger in the game. Even in life, nothing is 100% secure, why would it start being so in DayZ?

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I counter your terrible idea with this: add wire-cutters and wrenches to make barbed wire and tank traps removable.

Screw security, I work hard to hide my tent, and if I can't make room to carry it, then I don't view it as a true necessity.

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Yeah, sorry dude, but your gonna get trolled and flamed for this post. Probably called a Carebear more than once.

Life is harsh, this isnt a game, its an anti-game. And adding a mechanic to make a player feel that his stuff is 100% secure just doesnt fit in DayZ. Your gonna have to get used to the fact that you die, and sometimes its embarassing, sometimes its epic, thats the awesomeness of this game.

Your going to lose your stuff, if you dont wan't to lose it, stay on your server, 24/7 watching your stuff. Take shifts with people across the world to make sure your home camp stays safe.

And as stoop_kid said: If its not important enough to carry on you, its not important enough to worry about losing.

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Well it cant be an anti game as its a game with limited space. Its so easy to find hidden tents and vehicles. There should be a way for people to save some of theyre stuff safely so they have backup.

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Stoop you can remove barbed wire with a tool box.

THANK GOD. Ty for the heads-up, I usually just get pissed and find an un-barricaded building to loot.

Although I have logged in to find the barn that I took a seat in has been fortified, which was also the last time I logged out while inside a structure.

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