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NVG Flickering

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So I think it's universally known that 1.06 introduced a fun little function to NVGs... random flickering on and off. Maddening at the least, but very much dangerous to the well-being of your character as well (you can't safely drive at night with NVGs. Also, I'm not sure why but tapping the shift button (sprint) seems to sometimes help toggle it back on when it flashes off? Not sure why but I was able to replicate it as "fixing" the issue several times. But man oh man... what a terrible issue/bug! Does anyone know what the mechanics are/what causes it? Is it tied to the flickers in brightness/lighting that occur during the day as well? 

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Maybe it could be intentional for damaged goggles to flicker? The way damaged compases used to lead you the wrong way? You never know with DayZ haha

  • Beans 1

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