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[Discord] Project Z Roleplay [PvE] [Clan-Based PvP] [No RDM or KOS]

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░P░R░O░J░E░C░T░ ░ ░Z░ ░ ░R░O░L░E░P░L░A░Y░





It all started about five years ago. First it was an unknown infection that caused folks to get more aggressive, and attack their peers. The peers they attacked, however, got infected as well, and attacked others in kind.

They showed signs of decomposition... they were dead before we even noticed. It didn't take long for their sheer numbers to increase, and overthrow the military, both of the locals and the reinforcements combined.

Today the dead roam the cold, forgotten lands of Chernarus, still hunting the living... still hunting for a feast, in their endless desire to sate their unquenchable hunger.

Those of us who remain... well... we were unfortunate enough to be immune. So now, it's us they're after... it's YOU they're after.

Thankfully, the decomposition is taken it's toll on them. They travel slow, and they travel clumsily... but even still, they travel in large numbers.

These are the End-Times, Survivor... how long will you last?

Welcome to Hell.


░W░H░O░ ░A░R░E░ ░W░E░?░


Project Z is a freshly started, MODDED Role-Playing Server, now looking for players! We encourage Survivor Stories, Community Building, and RP, and discourage RDMs (Random Death-Matches), Overzealous Trigger-Happy Children, and Harassment towards other players.

If you are looking for a PURE PvP experience where you're free to gun down anything, and ANYONE that moves without a thought, then this is NOT the server you're looking for!

If you still crave PvP, however, then clans CAN go to war, so don't expect PURE PvE, either! It's a fair balance to give players a choice in the matter, while allowing PvE and PvP Players to coexist peacefully together.





Randomly killing on sight is FORBIDDEN! Part of being in an RP Server is to respect your fellow players WITHOUT the fear of putting a bullet in your head within five minutes! As such, anyone caught sniping people at the spawn zones, or anywhere in general, WITHOUT being in a warring clan, will be shot down, banned, and their bodies raided by the victims they were hunting!


We allow PvP via "Clan Wars", but if you're part of a clan, you must wear a uniform that has YOUR colors! Should you find someone wearing the opposing colors (IE: If you're at war with folks who wear a BLUE bandana), then they're to be watched carefully. Should they associate with others wearing similar clothes, then they are to be assumed as "Part of a clan", and are free to be attacked or robbed.


Robbing people's bases while they're away is allowed, so long as you don't vandalize their constructions or steal their vehicles! In this server, it's been a few years since the outbreak, so expect the hungry to seek food and shelter. However, if they catch you stealing from them, then YOU are free game, as well! This is to promote RP disputes and in-character development. Conflict is inevitable, but you have to have an IC reason to be conflicting with others, first. However, be sure that it's obvious that your base is claimed! Lay down some foundations, and make your base a home. Then you may be less likely to be mistaken for a random "loot house".


If you're ATTACKING a base, it has to be confirmed to be owned by a warring clan, AND AT LEAST ONE PERSON of that clan has to be online! Offline Raids while they aren't fortified is allowed, as per the previous rule, but FORTRESSES can't be raided without someone there to defend it! In this sense, however, their vehicles are able to be stolen if you are attacking them, and they ARE online!


Racism, both IC and OOC, is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! This means using racial slurs, this means killing someone because they aren't the same race as you, this means forcing someone into slavery JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR COLOR! Catching hostages and forcing them into slavery is allowed, but not for racist reasons!
(IE: You hold an opposing clan member hostage, and force them to do your work for you. THAT is allowed, as they are part of an opposing faction!)


Peace Treaties are to be RESPECTED! If a clan calls for a truce, you must meet YOUR end of the bargain to promote peace! This means no backstabbing, no gunning down their faction, and no backstabbing, unless they don't meet THEIR end of the bargain terms! This means that, if they promise you food in exchange for peace, they have to show up WITH FOOD IN THEIR HANDS! If they don't meet their end of the bargain, THEN you're free to choose their fates! Note that FALSE TREATIES can be made if you're already at a warring faction!


If you are NOT in a faction, you can choose to be a traveler. As a traveler, you're free to roam the world and trade between factions without fear of getting shot down. However, if you're a traveler, you can NOT fortify a settlement of your own and remain "Factionless". By establishing a base, you've made yourself your OWN faction, and as such, will have to eventually make choices that can determine who's your friend AND foe simultaneously!
(IE: You are friends with BLUE, so you're now at war with RED!)


Most importantly, don't be a jerk as a PLAYER. You can RP as a rude survivor, but if you're hateful to a player because of how they look or sound, you're just going to be a pain to deal with, and might meet a quick end from the administration team. We want this environment to be as peaceful as can be, while still being open-ended for wars to be made, because sometimes, we just have to blow off some steam. In the end, this is all about building a community, and playing it out realistically. Yes, bandits are going to be there, but there's a fine line between a "Bandit" and an "A&&hole". Don't be the last one, and you'll be fine.


BANDITS! You are free to rob those around you, but you can NOT kill them on sight, and if they are robbed, you can NOT kill them afterwards! You're a bandit, not a murderer! You're just there to survive, not to be a d&&k. Remember that!


VICTIMS! If you're being robbed, twice, you must let them know that you've already been robbed, and they are free to check your inventory. If they find nothing, then they still "Searched" you, and as such, you are free to go without worry! However, if you pull a weapon on them, you're essentially instigating combat, and PvP is then allowed for this instance!


DEATH! If you die, your character is gone for good. On your next "Life", you assume a NEW identity, as a NEW character! Your memories from before are no longer present, and your faction has been reset to "Neutral". This means that, if you've been killed fairly, then you can NOT return to your killer seeking revenge!
(I'd encourage you to Disconnect and choose another appearance, so that you don't randomly spawn in as someone you might not want to play as. Would be kinda awkward for a woman to sound like a man, after all...)


KILLERS! If you killed someone fairly, then you can't keep hunting the same person down! That's harassment, and can get you banned if it keeps up. Just grab what you came for, and go! If they were trying to raid your base, however, then you can keep killing them if they keep coming with hostile intent, or if they're trying to loot your place. After all, they're breaking rules, themselves, and can be reported for it!


MODS! This server has mods to ensure survival isn't a complete pain. In short, we're trying a more realistic approach to the hunger system, where you won't die in five minutes because of starvation. You can still starve in a few hours, though, so be warned! Food is STILL mandatory! One day in-game is one hour in real life, so not eating for three hours is, technically, not eating in three days, meaning you're bound to be starving at that point.


VOICE! It doesn't have to be a quality mic. Heck, if you have a phone, there's a way to convert THAT into a mic using the WOMic App, or something similar. Just a way to let your voice be heard. A mic is VERY important in this server! If you lack a mic, however, then please invest in one as soon as you're able to! Until then, you may find it difficult to communicate. Regardless, though, while speaking, be sure you speak IN-CHARACTER. You don't have to be panicky when you see a zombie, though. It's been long enough that most people are desensitized about them. Basically, OOC Chat, or Out-Of-Character Chat is reserved for the text channel. Use THAT if you have something to say as a PLAYER, and not as your CHARACTER, please!


ADMINS! Do you want to simply be an administrator, and help the community grow? Feel free to let me know via Discord or on this thread, and we may be able to discuss it even further! Just please remember to use your mic, and don't abuse this kind of power! You can spawn in items to replace what might've been lost via a glitch, or you can spawn in starter equipment for players who were a certain role, and requests something to start them off, like clothes and maybe a hammer or basic weapon to defend themselves against the oncoming undead hordes. No more than a few things, however, and no Military Gear, even if they were soldiers! By now, their old gear must've been worn down, or they were veterans that weren't in the line of fire during the initial outbreak, and were never supplied for it!


░I░N░T░E░R░E░S░T░E░D░ ░I░N░ ░J░O░I░N░I░N░G░?░



Please join our Discord Server <Early WIP>, and submit a Character Sheet there, in order to receive the password!

Please bear in mind that, should your character die unfairly, they can keep their memories, and say they were simply "Knocked Out", or that they "Bailed out and dropped their gear". We're heavy on RP, but we aren't necessarily HARDCORE on it. You can reincarnate a former survivor after you've played a few new others, so that time can be spent for the characters to recover from the loss of a community member, if you were in one. Memories of your NEW incarnation, however, are still nonexistent, so don't expect folks to say "John's back!" after he was clearly eaten alive by a horde of zombies three lives ago. This is a whole NEW "John".


Edited by JustinDaniels

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1 hour ago, FluffyPanda_1exp said:

how can i get the discord 


click the discord animation at the end of the text, but the link is old and no longer works

Edited by MiliBrat088

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