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Distance Kills

Suggestion: Developers - Play your game.

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This isn't controversial nor should it be.


My suggestion today would be for the developers to take a day for themselves before they push an update - and PLAY dayZ.

Play it on different platforms and play it for a couple of hours and see what bugs and glitches the game contains or could show up after an update. It's clear to me the experimental server participants aren't logging all the bugs or the Developers arent taking these bugs seriously because they don't play the game.


It's not an unreasonable request to ask the developers here to play their own game and feel the same frustration everyone else feels when they play their games on console or PC.

Would you pay $60 USD of your hard earned money for a game that contains glitches and bugs that would take a small developer team a day to fix? 


If for whatever reason you (the developers) thing this level of bugs are normal or a part of the gaming world you would be correct, however these are bugs that have been in the game since DAY 1.

These were not bugs that were 3hours old or even 3 weeks old - these are bugs that have been plaguing your games for months.

A game you charge full price for - I'd be okay with bugs and glitches as they pop up after an update or server side upgrades,  but it's not unreasonable expect these game breaking bugs to be fixed withing a reasonable amount of time.


Just my 2 cents



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29 minutes ago, Distance Kills said:

This isn't controversial nor should it be.


My suggestion today would be for the developers to take a day for themselves before they push an update - and PLAY dayZ.

Play it on different platforms and play it for a couple of hours and see what bugs and glitches the game contains or could show up after an update. It's clear to me the experimental server participants aren't logging all the bugs or the Developers arent taking these bugs seriously because they don't play the game.


It's not an unreasonable request to ask the developers here to play their own game and feel the same frustration everyone else feels when they play their games on console or PC.

Would you pay $60 USD of your hard earned money for a game that contains glitches and bugs that would take a small developer team a day to fix? 


If for whatever reason you (the developers) thing this level of bugs are normal or a part of the gaming world you would be correct, however these are bugs that have been in the game since DAY 1.

These were not bugs that were 3hours old or even 3 weeks old - these are bugs that have been plaguing your games for months.

A game you charge full price for - I'd be okay with bugs and glitches as they pop up after an update or server side upgrades,  but it's not unreasonable expect these game breaking bugs to be fixed withing a reasonable amount of time.


Just my 2 cents



you have to keep in mind that fixes can't be pushed out just like that...like ooh i fixed this small irellevant bug... better push it to experimental... nope... fixes have to compile first as in a lot of fixes on one patch and then release it to experimental for testing and then release to stable... this isn't Fortnite where you can just fix a tiny bug and release it on fly xD just that

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10 hours ago, KajMak64Bit2 said:

you have to keep in mind that fixes can't be pushed out just like that...like ooh i fixed this small irellevant bug... better push it to experimental... nope... fixes have to compile first as in a lot of fixes on one patch and then release it to experimental for testing and then release to stable... this isn't Fortnite where you can just fix a tiny bug and release it on fly xD just that

That is exactly what can be done and should be done. We should have bug fixes on EXP every two weeks. That is called iterative development and should be a standard for game so troubled with bugs as this one. 

That would of course mean that EXP branch would really become the main branch because no one is interested in playing the bugged version but whatever. 

And no, no one cares that consoles cannot do this. That is not even the devs' problem. Devs or rather management made a wrong decision pushing DayZ on consoles but that cannot hinder fixing the game.

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16 hours ago, William Sternritter said:

That is exactly what can be done and should be done. We should have bug fixes on EXP every two weeks. That is called iterative development and should be a standard for game so troubled with bugs as this one. 

That would of course mean that EXP branch would really become the main branch because no one is interested in playing the bugged version but whatever. 

And no, no one cares that consoles cannot do this. That is not even the devs' problem. Devs or rather management made a wrong decision pushing DayZ on consoles but that cannot hinder fixing the game.

it's not even DayZ devs who are to blame for bad console port it's the console team... not the main devs specifically... atleast for console related bugs and stuff

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5 hours ago, KajMak64Bit2 said:

it's not even DayZ devs who are to blame for bad console port it's the console team... not the main devs specifically... atleast for console related bugs and stuff

Don't they oversee the development of the console though? 

I just want them to acknowledge the fact these problems exist and tell us they're actively doing something about it. On their Social media they just keep asking how Livonia is and how great it is while ignoring peoples complaints about bugs... 


I know it's not the social media managers fault but atleast acknowledge it and/or bring it up to staff and then let us know the complaints were passed along the proper channels

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It does make one wonder, man. How did the EXP and Livonia play alright (excepting the terrible server performance for Livonia) and suddenly the release of the patch screws up vital gameplay elements? If they have internal play testing how did they not see these problems? If they did see these problems, how and why did they push it out in this state? If they don't have play testing going on at the office... well, that's a very big problem.

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