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So... the average life expectancy just went to 0:00

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How the hell did that happen? did the server statistics get corrupted or something? Did everyone decide to go into a suicide pact and all off themselves at the same time?

What caused this?

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i've been watching it, it's been 4:40 for a while, when 1.5.7 hit, it started to drop, about 35+ minutes

it was around exactly 4 hours when the new website layout was introduced, today when i checked the life expectancy went up to 4 hours 60 minutes, i figured that was just a glitch, and it meant to roll down 3 hours and 59 minutes, but bugged out

all speculation of course

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A few things on the website are broken. Leaderboards, the life expectancy count and the fact that "scavenge" is spelt "scavange".

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Pretty sure it's just a bug with the new website. Before it said the average was 4 hours 60 minutes ;)

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Well it could be a combination of shore bandits and people suiciding to respawn at other cities.

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