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Hacker killed everyone on RU 35

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Server: DayZ - RU 35 (v1.7.1.5/beta 94444) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT+3] - hosted by Novgames.ru

IP Address:

Time: 16:15 (4:15 PM) GMT+1 (~10min ago)

Was playing on RU 35 when suddenly I was teleported very high up into the air and fell to my death. Everyone on the server seemed to do the same, as every character on the server died. I have no way of telling who did this beyond the exact time at which it happened.

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I was playing on that server with my buddy too. We had lost a good stuff but can someone tell me Is that mass kill cheat could be used on every server or it is just "RU 35" outdated of something?

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