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Mooch (DayZ)

An ocean of sorrow

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Well I was in elektro when suddenly I was ambushed by a player so I killed him, then all of the sudden my character was teleported to an ocean. Now this was not a big deal, I could always delete the character and create a new one, or so I thought. It turns out now every new character I create is placed in the middle of the ocean with no way to get to land. I have been searching for people with the same problem but no one seems to have it. If any one could give me some advice on how to get out of the ocean it would be greatly appreciated.

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I have this problem as well. It also happened just after a player was killed in front of me. Was not me that shot him, I actually never even fired a shot. 30 minutes later, bam, lag, and then TP'd to an ocean. There were other players there with me as well, probably about 4.

Ive contacted the dev. team, I'll post here if they respond.

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