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I'm ingame now with flashing food symbol and i'm worried of starvation, how does the process work? will I just instantly die after a little while of flashing food symbol or will it slowly drain blood as stated on the wiki for this game?

"If you become too Hungry or Thirsty then your blood will begin to drain at a rate of 20 units per second. This will continue to the point at which you die.

The HUD will provide a flashing indicatior if you are dying of hunger or thirst"

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You lose 20 blood per tick... I believe it ticks every second. You die when you reach 0 blood. So yes, it is as the wiki says (: . Your best option is to get to a supermarket as fast as you can! Check dayzdb.com/map for a detailed map with the supermarkets and other high priority locations listed.

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That or get a friend to bring food to you, I get frustrated with this feature. I like it being there but I don't like the way food sources work at the moment. On top of the fact that the frequency that my guy eats at is insane, I know he's burning a lot of calories by running around but on a day and night cycle tied to the server location in gives the impression things should be based on a 24 hour cycle, my guy needs to eat every 45 minutes...

I tried to be all espionage and all that when going into to towns all I found was empty tins, every other town I was lucky to find a single piece of food, I consume that food and before I know it I'm having to look for food again and the cycle starts again. Which isn't too bad but the alternative sources of food... animals seems to be quite bugged at the moment. I found a boar the other day and two rams and neither of htem could be killed. I wasted 3 pistol clips (one on each) I probably should of stopped after the fisrt one but because I was desperate for food I needed to try it. The animal absorbed all the bullets and didn't move, it wasn't moving when I got to it but the "Tag" for "Goat" appeared etc, kind of annoying, I was lucky enough to find a crashed helicopter shortly after which had an M249 which I just burst into the town in a fit of rage and found frank and beans in the super market.

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I tend to find my experiences playing day z to revolve around finding food source way more than anything else. Drink isn't an issue but I'm hugging my last can of beans and watching my food icon get redder by the minute. Not looking forward to scavenging in towns just for a can of beans.

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You do have a grace period between when your food meter starts flashing and when you start loosing blood.

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I agree eating is too closely spaced together. A normal human can go a LONG time without eating. I also think you should be able to forrage for food and water (drink from ponds, for example).

But, alas, the best way to do it is have a big backpack, knife, and fire gear... make your own food as you go...

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I usually have 3 canned food with me at all times. Considering I'm moving around it's more than enough to keep topped off. I don't have a problem with food at the moment.

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The other day, I was wandering in the wilderness. I was severely dehydrated and hungry but I came across a barn. I get inside the barn and take out the 3 zeds in there. I search all 3 and i find a can of coke and a tin of frank and beans. Go to drink the can of coke but I was too late... Most frustrating thing ever to have happened to me in this game. About 5 more seconds and I would have been fine!

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How can some people die of starvation? I always carry 3 food and 3 drinks in my backpack and even 2 more in my "main"-inventory. That's not really that hard, guys. (:

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I agree eating is too closely spaced together. A normal human can go a LONG time without eating. I also think you should be able to forrage for food and water (drink from ponds' date=' for example).

But, alas, the best way to do it is have a big backpack, knife, and fire gear... make your own food as you go...


Someone carrying 70-80 pounds of gear around needs to eat a LOT. Not to mention all the running around. Ask anyone who has been in the military, you eat ALL THE TIME. Not saying the food is good, but it is plentiful.

I do agree about the bit with drinking from pods. That should be in the mod.

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How can some people die of starvation? I always carry 3 food and 3 drinks in my backpack and even 2 more in my "main"-inventory. That's not really that hard' date=' guys. (:


They use all their inventory space for ammo of weapons they don't have. :-)

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